
With your cheek and reproach I'm passionately in love

بخدك والعذار أهيم وجدا

1. With your cheek and reproach I'm passionately in love
And I've not ceased my fervor though far from you I remain

١. بِخَدِّكَ وَالعِذارِ أهيمُ وجداً
وَلَم أقطَع لِبُعدي عنكَ ياسا

2. I grieve when you're distant, for luck has not been kind
Should I not inhale a rose, and take my ease awhile?

٢. وآسَفُ في الصُدودِ لسوءِ حَظّي
إِذا لَم أنتَشِق ورداً وآسا