1. As long as the ships of passion sail with me,
Neither my reason nor my experience benefit me.
١. ما دُمتُ في سُفُنِ الهَوى تَجري بي
لا نافِعي عَقلي وَلا تَجريبي
2. Passion's concealment left with the love of one who enraptured me.
It kindled the flames in my entrails and lit my blaze.
٢. بَرحَ الخَفاءُ بِحُبِّ مَن ولهي بِهِ
أَورى توقُّدَ مُهجَتي وَلَهيبي
3. O reproacher! Don't you know that when it comes to the beloved,
I do not hear anything unpleasant about him?
٣. يا عاذِلي أَوَ ما عَلِمتَ بِأَنَّني
لا أَسمَعُ المَكروهَ في المَحبوبِ
4. My eyes are preoccupied with the beloved while my ears
Are heedless of any blame or rebuke regarding him.
٤. طرفي تَنَزَّه في الحَبيب وَمَسمَعي
عَن كُلِّ لَومٍ فيهِ أَو تأنيبِ
5. Leave off what you use to sermonize me, for
You were not tasked with reforming me or educating me.
٥. دَع عَنكَ ما تَهذي بِهِ عِندي فما
كُلِّفتَ إِصلاحي وَلا تَهذيبي
6. You were mistaken in blaming me, for my misfortune
Is from the arrow of a glance that pierced my heart.
٦. أَخطأتَ في عَذلي لأَنَّ مُصيبَتي
مِن سَهمِ طَرفٍ لِلفُؤادِ مصيبِ
7. No time passed sweeter than that
For which I would gladly suffer torment.
٧. ما كانَ أَعذبَ مُدَّةً مَرَّت لَنا
إِنّي لأَستَحلي بِها تَعذيبي
8. Days when the garden of beauty was not denied me
And the rose cheeks were my portion.
٨. أَيّامَ لا رَوضُ الجَمالِ مُمنّعاً
عَنّي وَوردُ الخَدِّ كانَ نَصيبي
9. I plucked flowers from it while no fear of a dubious
Intimate moment could stop our connection.
٩. أَجني عَلَيهِ وَمِنهُ زَهر تَواصُل
لا أَختَشي مَعهُ دُنُوَّ مريبِ
10. Instead of being near my beloved and content,
I got anger while meetings were no longer expected.
١٠. عُوِّضتُ عَن قُرب نَوى وَعنِ الرِضى
سُخطاً وَما عَهدُ اللِقا بقَريبِ
11. O you who stopped visiting his love-sick one,
Fearing the slanderer or the watcher's eyes.
١١. يا مَن تَوَقَّفَ عَن زِيارَةِ صَبِّهِ
مِن خَوفِ واشٍ أَو حذارِ رَقيبِ
12. What could they say after they have seen
My passion and heard the excess of my wailing,
١٢. ماذا عَساهُم أَن يَقولوا بَعدَما
قَد أَبصَروا شَجني وَفرطَ نَحيبي
13. Other than spread rumors that you are my killer?
They speak true, for you torture me yet are my beloved!
١٣. إِلّا إِشاعَتَهُم بِأَنَّكَ قاتِلي
صدقوا فَأَنتَ مُعَذّبي وَحَبيبي
14. Have mercy on a lonely lover consumed with love for you,
O finest of the strange and strangers to the strange!
١٤. فاِرفق بِمشتاقٍ بِحُبِّكَ مُفرَدٍ
يا صاحِبَ الحسنِ الغَريبِ غَريبِ
15. If not for you, I would not say "Pour down my tears
And melt, my liver, from his fires!"
١٥. لَولاكَ ما قُلتُ اِسكُبي يا مُقلَتي
غَيثاً وَيا كبدي بِنارِكِ ذوبي
16. The sickness in my body grew
From the flow of my weeping and pouring tears.
١٦. وَسقامُ جِسمي بِالبُكاءِ لَقَد نَما
من جريِ نَهرِ مَدامِعٍ وَصَبيبِ
17. I went astray knowingly as my tears did not guide me,
Raging without being extinguished by my blaze.
١٧. وَضللتُ مَع عِلمي وَدَمعي ما هدا
وَطغى وَلَم تُطفِ الدُموعُ لَهيبي
18. My tears and your right to meet implore you -
How could fulfilling my request harm you?
١٨. دَمعي وَحَقِّكَ سائِلٌ قُربَ اللِقا
ماذا يُضرُّكَ أَن تَكونَ مُجيبي
19. Between you and I is a relationship of passion,
So keep the pacts of whispers and intimacy.
١٩. بَيني وَبَينكَ في المَحَبَّةِ نسبَةٌ
فَاِحفَظ عهودَ تَغزّلٍ وَنسيبِ
20. You have no excuse denying the longing lover,
If you made the joining forbidden.
٢٠. ما أَنتَ في سعَةٍ وحِلٍّ إِن تَكُن
حَرَّمتَ وَصلَ المغرمِ المَكروبِ
21. You were unjust when you favored another
And turned away from him. If only your separation would teach me patience!
٢١. قَد جُرتَ لمّا أَن عَدَلتَ لِغَيرِهِ
عَنهُ فَلَيتَ جَفاكَ بِالتَدريبِ
22. You exceeded in avoiding me, knowing that I
Do not seek consolation in anything but you.
٢٢. أَسرَفتَ في هَجري لِعلمِكَ أَنَّني
لَيسَ التَسَلّي عَنكَ مِن مطلوبي
23. By God! I have no release from loving you
Except by praising the Chosen Beloved.
٢٣. وَاللَهِ ما لي مِن هَواكَ تَخَلُّصٌ
إِلّا بِمَدحِ المُصطَفى المَحبوبِ
24. The Gatherer, Most Merciful, Watcher, He
Who erases the symbols of idolatry and slander.
٢٤. الحاشِرِ الرَؤُوفِ الرَحيمِ العاقِبِ ال
ماحي رسومَ الشركِ وَالتَكذيبِ
25. With miracles, every person of insight
Accepted their correctness, guided by them.
٢٥. ذي المُعجِزاتِ فَكُلّ ذي بصرٍ غَدا
لِصَوابها بِالعَينِ ذا تَصويبِ
26. The sun shone for people but did not rise
Except upon the blind and the veiled.
٢٦. كَالشَمسِ ضاءَت للأَنامِ وَأَشرَقَت
إِلّا عَن المَكفوفِ وَالمَحجوبِ
27. The full moon split miraculously for him
And with it came victory before setting.
٢٧. وَاِنشَقَّ بَدرُ التَمِّ معجزَةً لَهُ
وَبِهِ أَتاهُ النَصرُ قَبلَ مَغيبِ
28. With the conquest of Mecca, he forgave those who erred,
So they came to him receptive and awed.
٢٨. وَبِفَتحِ مَكَّةَ قَد عَفا عمّن هَفا
فأتَوهُ بِالتَرغيبِ وَالتَرهيبِ
29. He eliminated what they worshipped of idols
With firm belief, the Cross and all.
٢٩. وَأَزالَ بالتَوحيدِ ما عبدوهُ مِن
صَنَمٍ بِرأيٍ ثابِتٍ وَصَليبِ
30. He made the tyrants drink cups of death, hastening
The fading of rage from the believers' hearts.
٣٠. وَسَقى الطُغاةَ كؤوسَ حتفٍ عجّلَت
لِلمؤمِنينَ ذهابَ غَيظِ قُلوبِ
31. No coats of mail or sturdy armor protected them
From the stabs of spears amidst wars' drums.
٣١. لَم يَحتموا مِن ميمِ طَعناتٍ وَلا
أَلِفاتِ ضرباتٍ بِلامِ حُروبِ
32. The inanimate spoke at his hands, and water gushed
As if pouring from a spout.
٣٢. نَطَقَ الجَمادُ بِكَفِّهِ وَبِهِ جَرى
ماءٌ كَما يَنصَبُّ مِن أُنبوبِ
33. He returned the lost eye just as
The sun returns after sunset.
٣٣. وَالعَينُ أَوردَها وَجادَ بِها كَما
قَد رَدَّها كالشَمسِ بَعدَ غُروبِ
34. What virtues that exhausted all counting -
No devoted preserver could enumerate!
٣٤. وَلَكم مَناقِبُ أَعجَزَت عَن عَدِّها
مِن حافِظٍ واعٍ وَمِن حَيسوبِ
35. O master of messengers whose way
Contains the perfection of merit and propriety.
٣٥. يا سَيّدَ الرُسلِ الَّذي مِنهاجُهُ
حاوٍ كَمالَ الفَضلِ وَالتَهذيبِ
36. You ascended bodily to the heavens and its
Angels greeted you with welcome.
٣٦. أسرى بِجسمِكَ لِلسَماءِ فَبشَّرَت
أَملاكها وَحبَتكَ بِالتَرحيبِ
37. You then rose up, drew closer, then attained what
No one else was worthy of reaching.
٣٧. فَعَلَوتَ ثُمَّ دَنَوتَ ثُمَّ بَلَغتَ ما
لا يَنبَغي لِسواكَ مِن تَقريبِ
38. You were granted the privilege of intercession,
Your praised position and beloved abode.
٣٨. وَخُصصتَ فَضلاً بِالشَفاعَةِ في غَدٍ
وَمَقامِكَ المَحمودِ وَالمَحبوبِ
39. On Resurrection under your banner raised,
You are the most sublime as prophets gather.
٣٩. وَالأَنبياءُ وَقَد رُفِعتَ جَلالَةً
في الحَشرِ تَحتَ لِوائِكَ المَنصوبِ
40. Your Lord loves you for your praises by which
You are given whatever you wish.
٤٠. يَحبوكَ رَبُّكَ مِن مَحامِدِهِ الَّتي
تُعطى بِها ما شِئتَ مِن مَطلوبِ
41. He says, "Speak, you are heard. Ask, you are given.
Intercede, your intercession is accepted for the sinners' sake."
٤١. وَيَقولُ قُل تَسمَع وَسَل تُعطَ المُنى
واِشفَع تَشَفَّع في رَهينِ ذُنوبِ
42. So intercede for your praiser who, thanks to you, fears
The terrors of Judgment Day and the torment.
٤٢. فَاِشفَع لِمادِحِكَ الَّذي بِكَ يَتَّقي
أَهوالَ يَومِ الدينِ وَالتَعذيبِ
43. For Ahmad ibn Ali al-Athari deserves
The fruits of praising you, however strange.
٤٣. فلأَحمَدَ بنِ عَليٍّ الأثريّ في
مأهولِ مَدحِكَ نَظمُ كلّ غَريبِ
44. It is true his sin brought sickness while his provision
Increased. And you are the best doctor.
٤٤. قَد صَحَّ أَنَّ ضَناهُ زادَ وَذنبهُ
أَصلُ السقامِ وَأَنتَ خَيرُ طَبيبِ
45. May Allah bless you and grant you peace, you who
Were given immeasurable virtue and favor.
٤٥. صَلّى عَلَيكَ وَسَلَّمَ اللَهُ الَّذي
أَعطاكَ فَضلاً لَيسَ بِالمَحسوبِ
46. And your family, companions, each and every one
As long as the recommended follows the prescribed.
٤٦. وَعَلى القَرابَةِ وَالصَحابَةِ كلّهم
ما أُتبِعَ المَفروضُ بِالمَندوبِ
47. Every insightful ocean of merit seeking
The truth, righteous and refined.
٤٧. مِن كُلِّ بَحرٍ في الفَضائِل مُهتَدٍ
بِالحَقِّ بَرٍّ بالعفاةِ أَريبِ
48. How delightful their praises made their praisers!
The neglected longed for the beloved.
٤٨. ما أَطرَبَت أَمداحُهم مُدّاحَهُم
وَاِشتاقَ مَهجورٌ إِلى مَحبوبِ