1. I called you to the drowsy eyelid and scattered little sleep,
Not out of stinginess with life, which is the first thing offered to the first guest.
١. دَعوتُكَ لِلجَفنِ القَريحِ المُسَهَّدِ
لَدَيَّ وَلِلنَومِ القَليلِ المُشَرَّدِ
2. My troubles are not because their burden weighs heavily on me,
Nor are my worries things I would say to him.
٢. وَما ذاكَ بُخلاً بِالحَياةِ وَإِنَّها
لَأَوَّلُ مَبذولٍ لِأَوَّلِ مُجتَدِ
3. I have not stopped being a person exposed
To the arrows of enemies - if they miss, it's as if they hit.
٣. وَما الأَسرُ مِمّا ضِقتُ ذَرعاً بِحَملِهِ
وَما الخَطبُ مِمّا أَن أَقولَ لَهُ قَدي
4. But I choose the death of the sons of my father
Over the neighing of horses with no pillow.
٤. وَما زَلَّ عَنّي أَنَّ شَخصاً مُعَرَّضاً
لِنَبلِ العِدى إِن لَم يُصَب فَكَأَن قَدِ
5. And I refuse and refuse to die pillowed
By the hands of the Christians, a death that pales the liver.
٥. وَلَكِنَّني أَختارُ مَوتَ بَني أَبي
عَلى صَهَواتِ الخَيلِ غَيرِ مُوَسَّدِ
6. I have worn the robe of my torment for days,
But I have not worn the robe of perseverance.
٦. وَتَأبى وَآبى أَن أَموتَ مُوَسَّداً
بِأَيدي النَصارى مَوتَ أَكمُدَ أَكبَدِ
7. I am but between two opposites
Renewed for me every day.
٧. نَضَوتُ عَلى الأَيّامِ ثَوبَ جَلادَتي
وَلَكِنَّني لَم أَنضَ ثَوبَ التَجَلُّدِ
8. So, promise me safety with good patience
And threaten me with destruction and betrayal.
٨. وَما أَنا إِلّا بَينَ أَمرٍ وَضِدَّهُ
يُجَدَّدُ لي في كُلِّ يَومٍ مَجَدَّدِ
9. I turn my eyes between a shackled prisoner
And an ally in chains.
٩. فَمِن حُسنِ صَبرٍ بِالسَلامَةِ واعِدي
وَمِن رَيبِ دَهرٍ بِالرَدى مُتَوَعَّدي
10. I called you while the doors rattled around us
So be the best guest and most generous helper.
١٠. أُقَلِّبُ طَرفي بَينَ خِلٍّ مُكَبَّلٍ
وَبَينَ صَفِيٍّ بِالحَديدِ مُصَفَّدِ
11. One like you is called for every glory,
And one like me is ransomed for every misery.
١١. دَعَوتُكَ وَالأَبوابُ تُرتَجُ دونَنا
فَكُن خَيرَ مَدعُوٍّ وَأَكرَمَ مُنجِدِ
12. I call you - not because I fear destruction
Nor because I expect the delay of a day until tomorrow,
١٢. فَمِثلُكَ مَن يُدعى لِكُلِّ عَظيمَةٍ
وَمِثلِيَ مَن يُفدى بِكُلِّ مُسَوَّدِ
13. The archer has been broken and the enemy subdued
And the awe of the honored one cast down,
١٣. أُناديكَ لا أَنّي أَخافُ مِنَ الرَدى
وَلا أَرتَجي تَأخيرَ يَومٍ إِلى غَدِ
14. But I refused to die in a foreign land
By the hands of the Christians - the death of pale liver.
١٤. وَقَد حُطِّمَ الخَطِّيُّ وَاِختَرَمَ العِدى
وَفُلَّلَ حَدُّ المَشرَفيِّ المُهَنَّدِ
15. So do not leave the enemies to rejoice around me
Or cut off asking about me and sit.
١٥. وَلَكِن أَنِفتُ المَوتَ في دارِ غُربَةٍ
بِأَيدي النَصارى الغُلفُ ميتَةَ أَكمَدِ
16. Do not sit while my ransom is permitted
For you are not one who avoids noble deeds.
١٦. فَلا تَترُكِ الأَعداءَ حَولي لِيَفرَحوا
وَلا تَقطَعِ التَسآلَ عَنّي وَتَقعُدِ
17. How much gratitude and bounty from me
Raised my worth and increased my enviers!
١٧. وَلا تَقعُدَن عَنّي وَقَد سيمَ فِديَتي
فَلَستَ عَنِ الفِعلِ الكَريمِ بِمُقعَدِ
18. Take hold of it boldly before losing it
And rise sincerely to save me and sit.
١٨. فَكَم لَكَ عِندي مِن إِيادٍ وَأَنعُمٍ
رَفَعتَ بِها قَدري وَأَكثَرتَ حُسَّدي
19. For if you die after today, my destruction reproaches you -
The perdition of sanctuaries, the loss of the worshipped one.
١٩. تَشَبَّث بِها أُكرومَةً قَبلَ فَوتِها
وَقُم في خَلاصي صادِقَ العَزمِ وَاِقعُدِ
20. They have withheld his ransom and so they became
Mockers of the intended rhyme.
٢٠. فَإِن مُتَّ بَعدَ اليَومِ عابَكَ مَهلَكي
مَعابَ النِزارِيِّنَ مَهلَكَ مَعبَدِ
21. Nor was his death novel, but that they
Reproach when the ransom was permitted and not paid.
٢١. هُمُ عَضَلوا عَنهُ الفِداءَ فَأَصبَحوا
وَهُذّونَ أَطرافَ القَريضِ المُقَصَّدِ
22. Was not even the Roman dog kinder than you
And more desirous of earning enduring praise?
٢٢. وَلَم يَكُ بِدعاً هُلكُهُ غَيرَ أَنَّهُم
يُعابونَ إِذ سيمَ الفِداءُ وَما فُدي
23. Nor have the enemies managed to clash
While you sit back from this outstanding one.
٢٣. فَلا كانَ كَلبُ الرومِ أَرأَفَ مِنكُمُ
وَأَرغَبَ في كَسبِ الثَناءِ المُخَلَّدِ
24. Have they become accustomed to hold me captive
While you are not accustomed to hold them captive?
٢٤. وَلا بَلَغَ الأَعداءُ أَن يَتَناهَضوا
وَتَقعُدَ عَن هَذا العَلاءِ المُشَيَّدِ
25. When will the days bring forth someone like me,
Long of generous sword and broad of authority?
٢٥. أَأَضحَوا عَلى أَسراهُمُ بِيَ عُوَّداً
وَأَنتُم عَلى أَسراكُمُ غَيرُ عُوَّدِ
26. When will the days give birth to someone like me for you,
Hard against adversity and not twisted?
٢٦. مَتى تُخلِفُ الأَيّامُ مِثلي لَكُم فَتىً
طَويلَ نِجادِ السَيفِ رَحبَ المُقَلَّدِ
27. For if you ransom me, you ransom the honor of highness
And the swiftest helper accustomed to it,
٢٧. مَتى تَلِدُ الأَيّامُ مِثلي لَكُم فَتىً
شَديداً عَلى البَأساءِ غَيرَ مُلَهَّدِ
28. And if you ransom me, you ransom for your highness
An unwavering youth of tongue or hand,
٢٨. فَإِن تَفتَدوني تَفتَدوا شَرَفَ العُلا
وَأَسرَعَ عَوّادٍ إِلَيها مُعَوَّدِ
29. Who defends your reputation with his tongue
And strikes for you with the sharpened blade.
٢٩. وَإِن تَفتَدوني تَفتَدوا لِعُلاكُم
فَتىً غَيرَ مَردودِ اللِسانِ أَوِ اليَدِ
30. Not everyone who desired glory attained it,
Nor is every traveller guided to glory.
٣٠. يُدافِعُ عَن أَعراضِكُم بِلِسانِهِ
وَيَضرِبُ عَنكُم بِالحُسامِ المُهَنَّدِ
31. Save me from the stumbling of fate - it
Struck me with an arrow, sure and aimed!
٣١. فَما كُلُّ مَن شاءَ المَعالي يَنالُها
وَلا كُلُّ سَيّارٍ إِلى المَجدِ يَهتَدي
32. Had my soul not gained your loyalty, I would not
Have led it into supporting you at every opportunity,
٣٢. أَقِلني أَقِلني عَثرَةَ الدَهرِ إِنَّهُ
رَماني بِسَهمٍ صائِبِ النَصلِ مُقصِدِ
33. Nor would I have met a thousand flashing-eyed warriors
With seventy among them, each more bitter than vinegar.
٣٣. وَلَو لَم تَنَل نَفسي وَلاءَكَ لَم أَكُن
لِؤورِدَها في نَصرِهِ كُلَّ مَورِدِ
34. No! By the one whose arms are like no arms!
No! By the one whose lords are like no lords!
٣٤. وَلا كُنتُ أَلقى الأَلفَ زُرقاً عُيونُها
بِسَبعينَ فيهِم كُلَّ أَشأَمَ أَنكَدِ
35. No! By the one who rips open the days, so he climbs them
Only by accurate command!
٣٥. فَلا وَأَبي ما ساعِدانِ كَساعِدٍ
وَلا وَأَبي ما سَيِّدانِ كَسَيِّدِ
36. You are the Master I follow,
You are the star by which I am guided.
٣٦. وَلا وَأَبي ما يَفتُقُ الدَهرُ جانِباً
فَيَرتُقُهُ إِلّا بِأَمرٍ مُسَدَّدِ
37. You are the one who introduced me to the ways of glory,
You are the one who guided me to every goal.
٣٧. وَإِنَّكَ لِلمَولى الَّذي بِكَ أَقتَدي
وَإِنَّكَ لِلنَجمِ الَّذي بِكَ أَهتَدي
38. You are the one who elevated me to every rank
I walked to over the necks of my enviers.
٣٨. وَأَنتَ الَّذي عَرَّفتَني طُرُقَ العُلا
وَأَنتَ الَّذي أَهدَيتَني كُلَّ مَقصَدِ
39. O dresser of favors too mighty to appreciate fully,
Those clothes have certainly brought splendor!
٣٩. وَأَنتَ الَّذي بَلَّغتَني كُلَّ رُتبَةٍ
مَشيتُ إِلَيها فَوقَ أَعناقِ حُسَّدي
40. Do you not see that through you I have grasped their limit
And through you I have drunk death undiverted?
٤٠. فَيا مُلبِسي النُعمى الَّتي جَلَّ قَدرُها
لَقَد أَخلَقَت تِلكَ الثِيابُ فَجَدِّدِ
41. They say, "Abandon a habit you have known
That is hard on man if he's not accustomed."
٤١. أَلَم تَرَ أَنّي فيكَ صافَحتُ حَدَّها
وَفيكَ شَرِبتُ المَوتُ غَيرَ مُصَرَّدِ
42. So I said, no - by God, will any sayer say
I witnessed a painful spectacle of war for him?
٤٢. يَقولونُ جَنِّب عادَةً ما عَرَفتَها
شَديدٌ عَلى الإِنسانِ مالَم يُعَوَّدِ
43. Rather, I will meet it - either it is death,
Which I suspect, or established mighty empire.
٤٣. فَقُلتُ أَما وَاللَهِ لاقالَ قائِلٌ
شَهِدتُ لَهُ في الحَربِ أَلأَمَ مَشهَدِ
44. I did not know fate counted my enemies
And the black fates cast from the hand,
٤٤. وَلَكِن سَأَلقاها فَإِمّا مَنِيَّةٌ
هِيَ الظَنُّ أَو بُنيانُ عِزٍّ مُوَطَّدِ
45. You remain protected from harm, son of Abdullah
Ransomed by a lord after lord from us,
٤٥. وَلَم أَدرِ أَنَّ الدَهرَ في عَدَدِ العِدى
وَأَنَّ المَنايا السودَ يَرمَينَ عَن يَدِ
46. With the life of Masoud and the days of Salem
And the bounty of the fortunate and state of the envied!
٤٦. بَقيتَ اِبنَ عَبدِ اللَهِ تُحمى مِنَ الرَدى
وَيَفديكَ مِنّا سَيِّدٌ بَعدَ سَيِّدِ
47. May God not deprive me of your companionship - it
Is what I want from this world, my fortune and pillar!
٤٧. بِعيشَةِ مَسعودٍ وَأَيّامِ سالِمٍ
وَنِعمَةِ مَغبوطٍ وَحالِ مُحَسَّدِ
٤٨. وَلا يَحرَمَنّي اللَهُ قُربَكَ إِنَّهُ
مُرادي مِنَ الدُنيا وَحَظّي وَسُؤدَدي