
Two young lions or two fierce lions, for I see

إبنان أم شبلان ذان فإنني

1. Two young lions or two fierce lions, for I see
The blood of their prey is their food.

١. إِبنانِ أَم شِبلانِ ذانِ فَإِنَّني
لَأَرى دِماءَ الدارِعينَ غِذاهُما

2. My insight tells me that in their clothes
Are two lions that even lions avoid their ferocity.

٢. تُني الفَراسَةُ أَنَّ في ثَوبَيهِما
لَيثَينِ تَجتَنِبُ اللُيوثُ حِماهُما

3. Why do they not surpass people in virtues
When both their grandfathers were masters?

٣. لِم لا يَفوقانِ الأَنامَ مَكارِماً
وَالسَيِّدانِ كِلاهُما جَدّاهُما

4. You meet the father of al-Hayja’ in their fury
And you see the superiority of Abul ‘Alaa in their loftiness.

٤. تَلقى أَبا الهَيجاءِ في هَيجاهُما
وَيُريكَ فَضلَ أَبي العَلاءَ عُلاهُما

5. We have increased their honored lineage, firmly established,
When we entrusted leadership to them.

٥. زِدناهُما شَرَفاً رَفيعاً سَمكُهُ
ثَبتَ الدَعائِمِ إِذ تَخَوَّلناهُما

6. I distinguished between them but they did not compete,
Like two shining stars their conditions are equal.

٦. مَيَّزتُ بَينَهُما فَلَم يَتَفاضَلا
كَالفَرقَدَينِ تَشاكَلَت حالاهُما

7. And even though partisanship is my quality,
I do not deny the eminent nobility of either.

٧. إِنّي وَإِن كانَ التَعَصُّبُ شيمَتي
لا أَدفَعُ الشَرَفَ المُنيفَ أَخاهُما

8. How can one whose father has become his father
Fall short of any position of superiority and glory?

٨. أَنّى يُقَصِّرُ عَن مَكانٍ في العُلا
وَالمَجدِ مَن أَضحى أَبوهُ أَباهُما

9. But for those two there is a special eminent place
None can claim among the people but them.

٩. لَكِن لِذَينِ بِنا مَكانٌ باذِخٌ
لا يَدَّعيهِ مِنَ الأَنامِ سِواهُما

10. Congratulations and congratulations to the brother of generous men, his brother,
And their parents, and congratulations to those who raised them.

١٠. طابا وَطابَ أَخو الكِرامِ أَخوهُما
وَالوالِدانِ وَطابَ مَن رَبّاهُما