
He blames me, he whose absence would suffice me

ويغتابني من لو كفاني غيبه

1. He blames me, he whose absence would suffice me
Had I been for him the seeing eye and ear

١. وَيَغتابُني مَن لَو كَفانِيَ غَيبَهُ
لَكُنتُ لَهُ العَينَ البَصيرَةَ وَالأُذنا

2. And I have news which, were I to reveal it
Then the blamer would strike his teeth in regret

٢. وَعِندي مِنَ الأَخبارِ مالَو ذَكَرتُهُ
إِذاً قَرَعَ المُغتابُ مِن نَدَمٍ سِنّا