
I was not, since I was, but compliant to those who wronged me

ماكنت مذ كنت إلا طوع خلاني

1. I was not, since I was, but compliant to those who wronged me
Reproaching brothers is not my business

١. ماكُنتُ مُذ كُنتُ إِلّا طَوعَ خُلّاني
لَيسَت مُؤاخَذَةُ الإِخوانِ مِن شاني

2. My friend reaps, so I overlook his misdeeds
Until I show my pardon and kindness

٢. يَجني الخَليلُ فَأَستَحلي جِنايَتَهُ
حَتّى أَدُلُّ عَلى عَفوي وَإِحساني

3. He follows a sin with a sin when he knows me
Deliberately, and I follow forgiveness with forgiveness

٣. وَيُتبِعُ الذَنبَ ذَنباً حينَ يَعرِفُني
عَمداً وَأُتبِعُ غُفراناً بِغُفرانِ

4. He wrongs me, yet I remain a hand-shaker forever
Nothing is better than a singing friend

٤. يَجني عَلَيَّ وَأَحنو صافِحاً أَبَداً
لاشَيءَ أَحسَنُ مِن حانٍ عَلى جانِ