
I offer my soul to you, you have

نفسي فداأك قد بعثت

1. I offer my soul to you, you have
Sent with my message by the hand of the messenger

١. نَفسي فِداأُكَ قَد بَعَث
تُ بِعُهدَتي بِيَدِ الرَسولِ

2. I have offered my soul
The sublime is offered to the sublime

٢. أَهدَيتُ نَفسي إِنَّما
يُهدى الجَليلُ إِلى الجَليلِ

3. And I have made what my hand possesses
Good tidings for the one giving good tidings of acceptance

٣. وَجَعَلتُ ما مَلَكَت يَدي
بُشرى المُبَشِّرِ بِالقَبولِ