
A visitor whom seclusion endeared

وزائر حببه إغبابه

1. A visitor whom seclusion endeared
Long in defiance of fate he persevered

١. وَزائِرٍ حَبَّبَهُ إِغبابُهُ
طالَ عَلى رَغمِ السُرى اِجتِنابُهُ

2. An era of barrenness baring its fangs assailed him
And the bowels of desolation enveloped him

٢. وافاهُ دَهرٌ عُصُلٌ أَنيابُهُ
وَاِجتابَ بُطنانَ العَجاجِ جابُهُ

3. The march of time wore him down steadily
And his bounty and virtue started to drain

٣. يَدأَبُ مارَدَّ الزَمانُ دابُهُ
وَأَرفَدَت خَيراتُهُ وَرابُهُ

4. He met the onslaught head-on staunchly
A woeful thunderer in desolate refrain

٤. وافى أَمامَ هَطلِهِ رَبابُهُ
باكٍ حَزينٌ رَعدُهُ اِنتِحابُهُ

5. With him they flowed bounteously his rains
A scent whose wafting was but profuse pains

٥. جادَت بِهِ مُسبِلَةً أَهدابُهُ
رائِحَةٌ هُبوبُها هِبابُهُ

6. Submissively to it mountains bowed in chains
Astride its spate youth and morn rides

٦. ذَيّالَةً ذَلَّت لَها صِعابُهُ
رَكبُ هَياهُ وَالصِبا رِكابُهُ

7. Until integrated fully its accessories
And on earth its dominance steadies

٧. حَتّى إِذا ما اِتَّصَلَت أَسبابُهُ
وَضُرِبَت عَلى الثَرى عُقابُهُ

8. And upon the dunes its edifices studies
And through its expanse its annex spreads

٨. وَضُرِبَت عَلى الرُبى قِبابُهُ
وَاِمتَدَّ في أَرجائِهِ أَطنابُهُ

9. And its flow and form in concord treads
And its disarray confounds whilst harmony it sheds

٩. وَتَبِعَ اِنسِجامُهُ اِنسِكابُهُ
وَرَدَفَ اِصطِقافُهُ اِضطِرابُهُ

10. As though on clouds its pillars were bedded
Evil’s pillar, crags cleaved and shredded

١٠. كَأَنَّما قَد حُمِّلَت سَحابُهُ
رُكنَ شَرورى وَاِصطَفَت هِضابُهُ

11. Elucidated its writ on earth ́s face unfaded
And with its waters its valleys glittered

١١. جَلّى عَلى وَجهِ الثَرى كِتابُهُ
وَشَرِقَت بِمائِها شِعابُهُ

12. And with its light its plains were fitted
As though when unveiled its amazing vista

١٢. وَحَلِيَت بِنورِها رِحابُهُ
كَأَنَّهُ لَمّا اِنجَلى مُنجابُهُ

13. Absent it we no longer can persist
An old man whom youth revisited

١٣. وَلَم يُؤَمِّن فَقدَهُ إِيابُهُ
شَيخٌ كَبيرٌ عادَهُ شَبابُهُ