
Ask the maidens of this neighborhood about me

سلي فتيات هذا الحي عني

1. Ask the maidens of this neighborhood about me
They will tell you what they have seen and heard

١. سَلي فَتَياتِ هَذا الحَيِّ عَنّي
يَقُلنَ بِما رَأَينَ وَما سَمِعنَه

2. Did I not give shade to those in need?
Did I not prepare the people for war?

٢. أَلَستُ أَمَدَّهُم لِذَوِيَّ ظِلّاً
أَلَستُ أَعَدَّهُم لِلقَومِ جَفنَه

3. Did I not welcome guests?
Did I not lead in times of strife?

٣. أَلَستُ أَقَرَّهُم بِالضَيفِ عَيناً
أَلَستُ أَمَرَّهُم في الحَربِ لُهنَه

4. I was content with those who blamed me
Even if they were harsh towards me

٤. رَضيتُ العاذِلاتِ وَما يَقُلنَه
وَإِن أَصبَحتُ عَصّاءً لَهُنَّه

5. They blamed me in the morning and saw my generosity
With my life on the tips of spears

٥. بَكَرنَ يَلُمنَني وَرَأَينَ جودي
عَلى الأَرماحِ بِالنَفسِ المَضَنَّه

6. I said to them, is there any good left in you
As time passes by?

٦. فَقُلتُ لَهُنَّ هَل فيكُنَّ باقٍ
عَلى نُوَبِ الزَمانِ إِذا طَرَقنَه

7. How many dawns have I been blamed
Yet I woke up not bothered by them

٧. وَكَم فَجرٍ سَبَقنَ إِلى مَلامي
فَعُدتُ ضُحىً وَلَم أَحفِل بِهِنَّه

8. And if death is feared
As a way of life, why wish for it?

٨. وَإِن يَكُنِ الحِذارُ مِنَ المَنايا
سَبيلاً لِلحَياةِ فَلِم تَمُتنَه

9. I will bear witness to what I have done
By speaking openly with you all

٩. سَأُشهِدُها عَلى ماكانَ مِنّي
بِبَسطي في النَدى بِكَلامِكُنَّه

10. If I die, it is my appointed time
And it will come even if I avoid you

١٠. فَإِن أَهلَك فَعَن أَجَلٍ مُسَمّى
سَيَأتيني وَلَو ما بَينَكُنَّه

11. And if I live, it is a debt to be repaid
And I will follow you if you lead me

١١. وَإِن أَسلَم فَقَرضٌ سَوفَ يوفى
وَأَتبَعَكُنَّ إِن قَدَّمتُكُنَّه

12. So do not tell me to live in humiliation
For I will not obey such a command

١٢. فَلا يَأمُرنَني بِمَقامِ ذُلٍّ
فَما أَنا بِالمُطيعِ إِذا أَمَرنَه

13. And one who comes to me in secret
Saying she returns to my advice, may she be cursed!

١٣. وَراجِعَةٍ إِلَيَّ تَقولُ سِرّاً
أَعودُ إِلى نَصيحَتِهِ لَعَنَّه

14. When she did not find hope she turned away
And spoke accusingly and said

١٤. فَلَمّا لَم تَجِد طَمَعاً تَوَلَّت
وَقالَت فِيَّ عاتِبَةً وَقُلنَه

15. Do you see what my cousins say
When women describe their men?

١٥. أَرَيتَكَ ماتَقولُ بَناتُ عَمّي
إِذا وَصَفَ النِساءُ رِجالُهُنَّه

16. By God, they will not spend the night in regret
Making up words and excuses

١٦. أَما وَاللَهِ لايُمسينَ حَسرى
يُلَفِّقنَ الكَلامَ وَيَعتَذِرنَه

17. Rather I will find for them a description
And speak at length in praise of them

١٧. وَلَكِن سَوفَ أوجِدُهُنَّ وَصفاً
وَأَبسُطُ في المَديحِ كَلامُهُنَّه

18. Whenever my writing approaches its end
I die between pleading and accusing

١٨. مَتى مايَدنُ مِن أَجَلٍ كِتابي
أَمُت بَينَ الأَعِنَّةِ وَالأَسِنَّه

19. And death in a place of honor is more beloved
To the knights than life in disgrace

١٩. وَمَوتٌ في مَقامِ العِزِّ أَشهى
إِلى الفُرسانِ مِن عَيشٍ بِمَهنَه