
You wish that you could find fault with me, yet

تمنيتم أن تفقدوني وإنما

1. You wish that you could find fault with me, yet
All you wish is that you could disparage my honour.

١. تَمَنَّيتُمُ أَن تَفقِدوني وَإِنَّما
تَمَنَّيتُمُ أَن تَفقِدوا العِزَّ أَصيَدا

2. But I am greater than you reckon in spirit,
Though I am meaner than you reckon in birth.

٢. أَما أَنا أَعلى مَن تَعُدّونَ هِمَّةً
وَإِن كُنتُ أَدنى مَن تَعُدّونَ مَولِدا

3. To God I complain of a party among my tribe
Who do me wrong in words, behind my back and to my face.

٣. إِلى اللَهِ أَشكو عُصبَةً مِن عَشيرَتي
يُسيؤونَ لي في القَولِ غَيباً وَمَشهَدا

4. When they make war on me, I am their protection,
And when they strike out, I am their hand and their arm.

٤. وَإِن حارَبوا كُنتُ المِجَنَّ أَمامُهُم
وَإِن ضارَبوا كُنتُ المُهَنَّدَ وَاليَدا

5. When disaster befalls or misfortune arrives,
I offer them myself and all I possess as sacrifice.

٥. وَإِن نابَ خَطبٌ أَو أَلَمَّت مُلِمَّةٌ
جَعَلتُ لَهُم نَفسي وَما مَلَكَت فِدا

6. They want to show me guilty of foolishness,
Though if I were absent from them they would fall into ruin.

٦. يَوَدّونَ أَن لُيُبصِروني سَفاهَةً
وَلَو غِبتُ عَن أَمرٍ تَرَكتُهُمُ سُدى

7. I have abundant virtue for them, if only they were just towards it,
While for myself I have a share today which will be theirs tomorrow.

٧. مَعالٍ لَهُم لَو أَنصَفوا في جَمالِها
وَحَظٌّ لِنَفسي اليَومَ وَهوَ لَهُم غَدا

8. So do not count it a favour to me, for when did it become
A favour, while my family is more deserving of it even if they become foes.

٨. فَلا تَعِدوني نِعمَةً فَمَتى غَدَت
فَأَهلي بِها أَولى وَإِن أَصبَحوا عِدا