
I complain to God of what I see in the tribes

إلى الله أشكو ما أرى من عشائر

1. I complain to God of what I see in the tribes
When we draw near, their ignorant grow more distant

١. إِلى اللَهِ أَشكو ما أَرى مِن عَشائِرٍ
إِذا مادَنَونا زادَ جاهِلُهُم بُعدا

2. Yet we curb the impulses of our forbearance towards them
However much their ways may be wrong

٢. وَإِنّا لَتَثنينا عَواطِفُ حِلمِنا
عَلَيهِم وَإِن ساءَت طَرائِقُهُم جِدّا

3. The tribe's injustice stops us
Seeking their harm, though it would guide us better

٣. وَيَمنَعُنا ظُلمُ العَشيرَةِ أَنَّنا
إِلى ضُرِّها لَو نَبتَغي ضُرِّها أَهدى

4. When we want to shun a tribe
We place an advance guard before its people

٤. وَإِنّا إِذا شِئنا بِعادَ قَبيلَةٍ
جَعَلنا عِجالاً دونَ أَهلِهِمُ نَجدا

5. If only these tribes knew what was right for them
Then they would make us a barrier against their enemies

٥. وَلَو عَرَفَت هَذي العَشائِرُ رُشدَها
إِذاً جَعَلَتنا دونَ أَعدائِها سَدّا

6. But I see that God has set their affairs aright
And deprived them of propriety, having lost all propriety

٦. وَلكِن أَراها أَصلَحَ اللَهُ حالَها
وَأَخلَفَها بِالرُشدِ قَد عَدِمَت رُشدا

7. To what end do we restrain the swords from them
And curb the chests of horses, now filled with rancor?

٧. إِلى كَم نَرُدُّ البيضَ عَنهُم صَوادِيا
وَنَثني صُدورَ الخَيلِ قَد مُلِأَت حِقدا

8. And overcome their hotheadedness with patience
While we shepherd men to whom we've given no pact

٨. وَنَغلِبُ بِالحِلمِ الحَمِيَّةَ مِنهُمُ
وَنَرعى رِجالاً لَيسَ نَرعى لَهُم عَهدا

9. I fear for myself, and war has a whirl
Harbingers of something we cannot ward off

٩. أَخافُ عَلى نَفسي وَلِلحَربِ سَورَةٌ
بَوادِرَ أَمرٍ لانُطيقُ لَها رَدّا

10. And a battle where patience perishes
And a raid that gathers freemen and slaves

١٠. وَجَولَةَ حَربٍ يَهلِكُ الحِلمُ دونَها
وَصَولَةُ بَأسٍ تَجمَعُ الحُرَّ وَالعَبدا

11. We will meet ignorance with ignorance once
If we find no way with them to make amends

١١. وَإِنّا لَنَرمي الجَهلَ بِالجَهلِ مَرَّةً
إِذا لَم نَجِد مِنهُ عَلى حالَةٍ بُدّا