
It is not that I have become frightened of

ما آن أن أرتاع للشيب

1. It is not that I have become frightened of
The sprinkled grey hairs in my forelock,

١. ما آنَ أَن أَرتاعَ لِل
شَيبِ المُفَوَّفِ في عِذاري

2. And desisted from the ways of error,
And donned the raiment of dignity;

٢. وَأَكُفُّ عَن سُبُلِ الضَلا
لِ وَأَكتَسي ثَوبَ الوَقارِ

3. But perhaps I have felt secure from fate's
Calamities, and from the turns of fortune.

٣. أَم قَد أَمِنتُ الحادِثا
تِ مِنَ الغَوادي وَالسَواري

4. I seek refuge in Allah's perfect grace
From the evil of my own choice.

٤. إِنّي أَعوذُ بِحُسنِ عَف
وِ اللَهِ مِن سوءِ اِختِياري