1. My people and I were separated by doctrines,
Though fundamentals unite us as destined.
١. أَراني وَقَومي فَرَّقَتنا مَذاهِبُ
وَإِن جَمَعَتنا في الأُصولِ المَناسِبُ
2. The furthest from me in their displeasure,
The nearest in ties I've come to abhor.
٢. فَأَقصاهُمُ أَقصاهُمُ مِن مَساءَتي
وَأَقرَبُهُم مِمّا كَرِهتُ الأَقارِبُ
3. A stranger amidst kith yet my vision lingers,
Alone, while my tribesmen throng as outcasts.
٣. غَريبٌ وَأَهلي حَيثُ ماكانَ ناظِري
وَحيدٌ وَحَولي مِن رِجالي عَصائِبُ
4. A kinsman is he who resembles your heart in love,
A neighbor is he who rivals your noble traits.
٤. نَسيبُكَ مَن ناسَبتَ بِالوُدِّ قَلبَهُ
وَجارُكَ مَن صافَيتَهُ لا المُصاقِبُ
5. The greatest of man's enemies are his confidants,
While his slightest foe is who he comes to fight.
٥. وَأَعظَمُ أَعداءِ الرِجالِ ثِقاتُها
وَأَهوَنُ مَن عادَيتَهُ مَن تُحَارِبُ
6. Your worst enemy is he you do not fight,
Your best friend is he you do not take side.
٦. وَشَرِّ عَدُوّيكَ الَّذي لاتُحارِبُ
وَخَيرُ خَليلَيكَ الَّذي لا تُناسِبُ
7. With days and people I've gained in experience,
Trials have refined me in their crucible heated.
٧. لَقَد زِدتُ بِالأَيّامِ وَالناسِ خِبرَةً
وَجَرَّبتُ حَتّى هَذَّبَتني التَجارِبُ
8. No fault it is if the youth falls from weakness,
No fault it is if ambition impedes his path.
٨. وَما الذَنبُ إِلّا العَجزُ يَركَبُهُ الفَتى
وَما ذَنبُهُ إِن حارَبَتهُ المَطالِبُ
9. He who lives not by sword, has humiliation beside,
This inevitably will be his share decided.
٩. وَمَن كانَ غَيرَ السَيفِ كافِلُ رِزقِهِ
فَلِلذِلِّ مِنهُ لامَحالَةَ جانِبُ
10. An abode is not endeared minus its charms,
A neighborhood is not near if it is deprived.
١٠. وَما أُنسُ دارٍ لَيسَ فيها مُؤانِسٌ
وَما قُربُ دارٍ لَيسَ فيها مُقارِبُ