1. This is the abode of Salma though we have parted
How long, O tearful eye, will you weep copiously?
١. هِيَ الدارُ مِن سَلمى وَهاتي المَرابِعُ
فَحَتّى مَتى ياعَينُ دَمعُكِ هامِعٌ
2. Has not old age wearied you, which has descended?
For after ignorance, old age makes man desist
٢. أَلَم يَنهَكِ الشَيبُ الَّذي حَلَّ نازِلاً
وَلِلشَيبِ بَعدَ الجَهلِ لِلمَرءِ رادِعُ
3. If the bonds of my love for Salma are joined
Then the imminent separation will surely split them
٣. لَئِن وَصَلَت سَلمى حِبالَ مَوَدَّتي
فَإِنَّ وَشيكَ البَينِ لاشَكَّ قاطِعُ
4. And if the intention of Umm Malik has veiled her from us
Bigotry and veils have surely aided her
٤. وَإِن حَجَبَت عَنّا النَوى أُمَّ مالِكٍ
لَقَد ساعَدَتها كِلَّةٌ وَبَراقِعُ
5. And if my soul thirsts for the sweetness of her path
It has been sated with copious tears from me
٥. وَإِن ظَمِئَت نَفسي إِلى طيبِ ريقِها
لَقَد رَوِيَت بِالدَمعِ مِنّي المَدامِعُ
6. And if those full moons set in the evening
Then my misfortunes at the separation continually rise
٦. وَإِن أَفَلَت تِلكَ البُدورُ عَشِيَّةً
فَإِنَّ نُحوسي بِالفِراقِ طَوالِعُ
7. And when we paused for farewell in the morning
Eyes and fingers gestured towards us
٧. وَلَمّا وَقَفنا لِلوَداعِ غَدِيَّةً
أَشارَت إِلَينا أَعيُنٌ وَأَصابِعُ
8. And she said, "Do you forget the pact in anguish and torment,
And what nearness and vessels have contained of us?"
٨. وَقالَت أَتَنسى العَهدَ بِالجِزعِ وَاللِوى
وَما ضَمَّهُ مِنّا النَقا وَالأَجارِعُ
9. And she shed tears from eyelids whose edges
Are sharp swords upon the heart of the ardent lover
٩. وَأَجرَت دُموعاً مِن جُفونٍ لِحاظُها
شِفارٌ عَلى قَلبِ المُحِبِّ قَواطِعُ
10. So I said to her, "Wait! Tears do not deter me,
Nor do they stop the resolute old man."
١٠. فَقُلتُ لَها مَهلاً فَما الدَمعُ رائِعي
وَما هُوَ لِلقَرمِ المُصَمِّمِ رائِعُ
11. "If I do not relinquish the staff while it inclines,
It will have consequences of prolonged deviation."
١١. لَئِن لَم أُخَلِّ العيسَ وَهيَ لَواغِبٌ
حَدابيرَ مِن طولِ السَرى وَظَوالِعُ
12. "I am not like Hamdan in the nobility which
Rises for him between the two orbits."
١٢. فَما أَنا مِن حَمدانَ في الشَرَفِ الَّذي
لَهُ مَنزِلٌ بَينَ السَماكَينِ طالِعُ