1. The prophecy of guidance is not for us a sin to count
Say to him who has no covenant with us, we have a covenant and pact
١. نَبوَةَ الإِدلالِ لَيسَت
عِندَنا ذَنباً يُعَدُّ
2. In short, I have no need to detail what I have no need for you to know
If you change, nothing of our covenant to you changes
٢. قُل لِمَن لَيسَ لَهُ عَه
دٌ لَنا عَهدٌ وَعَقدُ
٣. جُملَةٌ نُغني عَنِ التَف
صيلِ مالي عَنكَ بُدُّ
٤. إِن تَغَيَّرتَ فَما غُي
يِرَ مِنّا لَكَ عَهدُ