
Behold! By Allah and the Day of Judgment's call

ألا لله ويوم الدار يوما

1. Behold! By Allah and the Day of Judgment's call
A day far off, of auspicious rise and fall

١. أَلا لِلَّهِ وَيومُ الدارِ يَوماً
بَعيدَ الذِكرِ مَحمودَ المَآلِ

2. I left the women of rabid dogs, forsaking
Them, caring not for their beguiling thrall

٢. تَرَكتُ بِهِ نِساءَ بَني كِلابٍ
فَوارِكَ مايُرِغنَ إِلى الرِجالِ

3. We left the Sheikh of Qurayzah's sons, though old
In his hot valley, from rich pastures banned

٣. تَرَكنا الشَيخَ شَيخَ بَني قُرَيظٍ
بِبَطنِ القاعِ مَمنوعَ الزَيالِ

4. Estranged, though once I loved him, and since then
Each dusk he'd leave the cloister where he'd stand

٤. مُقاطَعَةٌ أَحِبَّتُهُ وَلَكِن
يَبيتُ مِنَ الخَوامِعِ في وِصالِ

5. When hounds chase us, they cower and quake with fear
Imagine if we said: it's time to brawl!

٥. تَخِفُّ إِذا تَطارَدنا كِلابٌ
فَكَيفَ بِها إِذا قُلنا نَزالِ

6. We left them only for close kin and slaves
To take as spoils, and no men stood their call

٦. تَرَكناها وَلَم يُترَكنَ إِلّا
لِأَبناءِ العُمومَةِ وَالمَوالي

7. They did not rise above those rags and steeds
Nor break past their ring of huts and stalls

٧. فَلَم يَنهَضنَ عَن تِلكَ الحَشايا
وَلَم يَبرُزنَ مِن تِلكَ الحِجالِ