
Leave the matter to us

اطرحوا الأمر إلينا

1. Leave the matter to us
And place the whole burden upon us

١. اِطرَحوا الأَمرَ إِلَينا
وَاِحمِلوا الكُلَّ عَلَينا

2. We are a people, whenever
The matter becomes difficult, we suffice

٢. إِنَّنا قَومٌ إِذا ما
صَعُبَ الأَمرُ كَفَينا

3. And whenever we are called
The abode of humiliation, we refuse

٣. وَإِذا ما ريمَ مِنّا
مَوطِنُ الذُلِّ أَبَينا

4. And whenever honor is destroyed
The people of honor rebuild it

٤. وَإِذا ما هَدَمَ العِز
زَ بَنو العِزِّ بَنَينا