
A visitor whose arrival brings joy

ووارد مورد أنسا يؤكده

1. A visitor whose arrival brings joy
His chest free of illness and full of love

١. وَوارِدٍ مورِدٍ أُنساً يُؤَكِّدُهُ
صُدورُهُ عَن سَليمِ الوِردِ وَالصَدرِ

2. The clouds have gathered because of him over a meadow
Beauty is divided between hearing and sight

٢. شُدَّت سَحائِبُهُ مِنهُ عَلى نُزَهٍ
تَقَسَّمَ الحُسنُ بَينَ السَمعِ وَالبَصَرِ

3. Sweetness flows from an eloquent new speech
Like water gushing as a spring from stone

٣. عُذوبَةٌ صَدَرَت عَن مَنطِقٍ جَدَدٍ
كَالماءِ يَخرُجُ يُنبوعاً مِنَ الحَجَرِ

4. A garden from the orchards of thought forged by him
Guided by the arrows of intuition not rain

٤. وَرَوضَةٌ مِن رِياضِ الفِكرِ دَبَّجَها
صَوبُ القَرائِحِ لاصَوبٌ مِنَ المَطَرِ

5. As though the hands of spring have spread over it
A coat of brocade or robe of ink

٥. كَأَنَّما نَشَرَت أَيدي الرَبيعِ بِها
بُرداً مِنَ الوَشيِ أَو ثَوباً مِنَ الحِبرِ