
He erred, and his error only increased his favor

أساء فزادته الإساءة حظوة

1. He erred, and his error only increased his favor
A beloved as he was remains beloved

١. أَساءَ فَزادَتهُ الإِساءَةُ حُظوَةً
حَبيبٌ عَلى ماكانَ مِنهُ حَبيبُ

2. My blamers attribute their sins to me
But how can a fair face have sins?

٢. يَعُدُّ عَليَّ العاذِلونَ ذُنوبَهُ
وَمِن أَينَ لِلوَجهِ المَليحِ ذُنوبُ

3. So, O you who are cold, though we ask your pleasure
And O you who are cruel, though we repent

٣. فَيا أَيُّها الجافي وَنَسأَلُهُ الرِضا
وَيا أَيُّها الجاني وَنَحنُ نَتوبُ

4. May Allah destroy whoever claims you in intimacy alone
And whoever cannot encompass the unseen when you are absent

٤. لَحى اللَهُ مَن يَرعاكَ في القُربِ وَحدَهُ
وَمَن لايَحوطُ الغَيبَ حينَ تَغيبُ