
We roared more fiercely than it

علونا جوشنا بأشد منه

1. We roared more fiercely than it
And stood firm at the clash of spears

١. عَلَونا جَوشَناً بِأَشَدَّ مِنهُ
وَأَثبَتَ عِندَ مُشتَجَرِ الرِماحِ

2. With an army raging with horsemen until
You'd think the land was a sea of weapons

٢. بِجَيشٍ جاشَ بِالفُرسانِ حَتّى
ظَنَنتَ البَرَّ بَحراً مِن سِلاحِ

3. And tongues of sweet maidens
Addressing us with mouths of spears

٣. وَأَلسِنَةٍ مِنَ العَذَباتِ حُمرٌ
تُخاطِبُنا بِأَفواهِ الرِماحِ

4. And his magnificent army a fearful night
And its darkness a pillar of dawn

٤. وَأَروَعَ جَيشُهُ لَيلٌ بَهيمٌ
وَغُرَّتُهُ عَمودٌ مِن صَباحِ

5. Noble in his power, forgiving
Yet stern between clash and clash

٥. صَفوحٌ عِندَ قُدرَتِهِ كَريمٌ
قَليلُ الصَفحِ مابَينَ الصِفاحِ

6. So his steadfastness was a heart for hearts
And his awe a wing for wings

٦. فَكانَ ثَباتُهُ لِلقَلبِ قَلباً
وَهَيبَتُهُ جَناحاً لِلجَناحِ