1. For whom should I remember
And in whom should I think
١. لِأَيِّكُمُ أَذكُرُ
وَفي أَيِّكُم أَفكِرُ
2. And how much do I have for a country
Of weeping and being moved
٢. وَكَم لي عَلى بَلدَةٍ
بُكاءٌ وَمُستَعبَرُ
3. In Aleppo is my equipment
And my glory and pride
٣. فَفي حَلَبٍ عُدَّتي
وَعِزِّيَ وَالمَفخَرُ
4. And in Manbij is he whose consent
Is the most precious thing I hoard
٤. وَفي مَنبِجٍ مَن رِضا
هُ أَنفَسُ ما أَذخَرُ
5. And the one whose love is an honor
With which the Gathering is honored
٥. وَمَن حُبُّهُ زُلفَةٌ
بِها يُكرَمُ المَحشَرُ
6. And young children like knights
The oldest of them is the youngest
٦. وَأَصبِيَةٌ كَالفِرا
خِ أَكبَرُهُم أَصغَرُ
7. And a people we befriended
And the branch of youth still green
٧. وَقَومٌ أَلِفناهُمُ
وَغُصنُ الصِبا أَخضَرُ
8. It seems to me their matter
As if they are townspeople
٨. يُخَيَّلُ لي أَمرُهُم
كَأَنَّهُمُ حُضَّرُ
9. So my sorrow does not dissipate
Nor do my tears relent
٩. فَحُزنِيَ لا يَنقَضي
وَدَمعِيَ ما يَفتُرُ
10. And what are these my tears
And what is it that I conceal
١٠. وَما هَذِهِ أَدمُعي
وَلا ذا الَّذي أُضمِرُ
11. Rather I disguise the tears
And hide what I hide
١١. وَلَكِن أُداري الدُمو
عَ وَأَستُرُ ما أَستُرُ
12. Fearing the words of slanderers
Like you do not have patience
١٢. مَخافَةَ قَولِ الوُشا
ةِ مِثلُكَ لا يَصبِرُ
13. Oh my oblivion how could I not
Hope for that which I fear
١٣. أَيا غَفلَتا كَيفَ لا
أُرَجّي الَّذي أَحذَرُ
14. And what is this despair that
I see so I am alerted
١٤. وَماذا القُنوطُ الَّذي
أَراهُ فَأَستَشعِرُ
15. Is it not that he who afflicted me with it
I can reveal it
١٥. أَما مَن بَلاني بِهِ
عَلى كَشفِهِ أَقدَرُ
16. Yes indeed I have a Master
His gifts even more
١٦. بَلى إِنَّ لي سَيِّداً
مَواهِبُهُ أَكثَرُ
17. And I am plenty in sins
And his benevolence even greater
١٧. وَإِنّي غَزيرُ الذُنوبِ
وَإِحسانُهُ أَغزَرُ
18. With my sin you made me fall
And from your grace the source
١٨. بِذَنبِيَ أَورَدتَني
وَمِن فَضلِكَ المَصدَرُ