
I am forbidden from traveling to you

إني منعت من المسير إليكم

1. I am forbidden from traveling to you
And if I were able, I would be the first to arrive

١. إِنّي مُنِعتُ مِنَ المَسيرِ إِلَيكُمُ
وَلَوِ اِستَطَعتُ لَكُنتُ أَوَّلَ وارِدِ

2. Do I wrong my benefactor if I complain?
To spite my enemy and frustrate the envious

٢. أَخكو وَهَل أَخكو جِنايَةَ مُنعِمٍ
غَيظُ العَدُوِّ بِهِ وَكَبتُ الحاسِدِ

3. You were my weapon with which I charged
And my hand when times were difficult and an ally

٣. قَد كُنتَ عُدَّتي الَّتي أَسطو بِها
وَيَدي إِذا اِشتَدَّ الزَمانُ وَساعِدي

4. Yet I was cast from you without what I hoped for
And man shines with the cool pouring rain

٤. فَرُميتُ مِنكَ بِغَيرِ ما أَمَّلتُهُ
وَالمَرءُ يَشرَقُ بِالزُلالِ البارِدِ

5. But sorrow came without any joy
And the palm of acceptance met the forearm

٥. لَكِنأَتَت دونَ السُرورِ مَساءَةً
وَصَلَت لَها كَفُّ القَبولِ بِساعِدِ

6. So I was patient like a pious son to his duty
Bearing pain silently for a father's blow

٦. فَصَبَرتُ كَالوَلَدِ التَقِيِّ لِبَرِّهِ
أَغضى عَلى أَلَمٍ لِضَربِ الوالِدِ

7. And I broke a pact - how could I be faithful?
And I was made to drink apart from you a bitter cup of sorrow

٧. وَنَقَضتُ عَهداً كَيفَ لي بِوَفائِهِ
وَسُقيتُ دونَكَ كَأسَ هَمٍّ صارِدِ