
So describe not the war in my presence, for it

فلا تصفن الحرب عندي فإنها

1. So describe not the war in my presence, for it
Has been my food since I was a lad in my teens, and my drink.

١. فَلا تَصِفَنَّ الحَربَ عِندي فَإِنَّها
طَعامِيَ مُذ بِعتُ الصِبا وَشَرابي

2. And my forehead has felt the burden of its rough times,
As sustenance has dwindled and life has worn me down.

٢. وَقَد عَرَفَت وَقعَ المَساميرِ مُهجَتي
وَشُقَّقَ عَن رُزقِ النُصولِ إِهابي

3. I have waded through the sweetness of life and its bitterness.
And spent my years without keeping count.

٣. وَلَجَّجتُ في حُلوِ الزَمانِ وَمُرِّهِ
وَأَنفَقتُ مِن عُمري بِغَيرِ حِسابِ