
For he who struggles against enviers, the reward of the struggler,

لمن جاهد الحساد أجر المجاهد

1. For he who struggles against enviers, the reward of the struggler,
And the most helpless thing I have tried is to please the envious,

١. لِمَن جاهَدَ الحُسّادُ أَجرُ المُجاهِدِ
وَأَعجَزُ ما حاوَلتُ إِرضاءُ حاسِدِ

2. And I have not seen anyone today with more enviers than me,
As if the hearts of people towards me are but one envious heart,

٢. وَلَم أَرَ مِثلي اليَومَ أَكثَرَ حاسِداً
كَأَنَّ قُلوبَ الناسِ لي قَلبُ واجِدِ

3. Has not this people seen anyone virtuous but me,
Nor have the enviers attained glorious deeds before me,

٣. أَلَم يَرَ هَذا الناسُ غَيرِيَ فاضِلاً
وَلَم يَظفَرِ الحُسّادُ قَبلي بِماجِدِ

4. I see the concealed hatred beneath the hypocrisy,
And the poison of the black cobras comes to me from sweet honey,

٤. أَرى الغِلَّ مِن تَحتِ النِفاقِ وَأَجتَني
مِنَ العَسَلِ الماذِيَّ سُمَّ الأَساوِدِ

5. And I am patient as long as patience is not considered humiliation,
And I wear for the dispraised the garment of the praiser,

٥. وَأَصبِرُ مالَم يُحسَبُ الصَبرُ ذِلَّةً
وَأَلبَسُ لِلمَذمومِ حُلَّةَ حامِدِ

6. Few apologies from one whose sins spend the night,
Seeking loftiness and attaining praise,

٦. قَليلُ اِعتِذارٍ مَن يَبيتُ ذُنوبُهُ
طِلابُ المَعالي وَاِكتِسابُ المَحامِدِ

7. And I know that if an intimate friend parts from me and I try to replace him with another, he will not be like the first,
And not all who aid me of people are my supporters,

٧. وَأَعلَمُ إِن فارَقتُ خِلّاً عَرَفتُهُ
وَحاوَلتُ خِلّاً أَنَّني غَيرُ واجِدِ

8. Nor are all who assist me of people my helpers,
And will my supporters benefit me if fate leaves me alone,

٨. وَهَل غَضَّ مِنّي الأَسرُ إِذ خَفَّ ناصِري
وَقَلَّ عَلى تِلكَ الأُمورِ مُساعِدي

9. When I have a group of long arms?
And am I glad of the nearness of my kin,

٩. أَلا لا يُسَرُّ الشامِتونَ فَإِنَّها
مَوارِدُ آبائي الأُلى وَمَوارِدي

10. If their hearts are distant from me?
O you who struggles to attain what elevations I attained without struggle,

١٠. وَكَم مِن خَليلٍ حينَ جانَبتُ زاهِداً
إِلى غَيرِهِ عاوَدتُهُ غَيرَ زاهِدِ

11. Restrain yourself, for I attained them without effort,
By your life, the paths of glories are not hidden,

١١. وَما كُلُّ أَنصاري مِنَ الناسِ ناصِري
وَلا كُلُّ أَعضادِ مِنَ الناسِ عاضِدي

12. But some conduct is without purpose,
O you who strains his eyes in watching me,

١٢. وَهَل نافِعي إِن عَضَّني الدَهرُ مُفرَداً
إِذا كانَ لي قَومٌ طِوالُ السَواعِدِ

13. My glance at harm is not straining,
I was inadvertent of the enviers, but not neglectful,

١٣. وَهَل أَنا مَسرورٌ بِقُربِ أَقارِبي
إِذا كانَ لي مِنهُم قُلوبُ الأَباعِدِ

14. And I remain long asleep from one who is not sleeping,
O my two friends, you did not prepare for Mutayyam,

١٤. أَيا جاهِداً في نَيلِ مانِلتُ مِن عُلاً
رُوَيدَكَ إِنّي نِلتُها غَيرَ جاهِدِ

15. A captive in the hands of enemies, deprived of rest,
Solitary, separated from loved ones, with tears pouring,

١٥. لَعَمرُكَ ما طُرقُ المَعالي خَفِيَّةٌ
وَلَكِنَّ بَعضَ السَيرِ لَيسَ بِقاصِدِ

16. Constantly flowing down his cheeks, uninterrupted,
If you wish, I will show hostility openly and I do not object,

١٦. وَيا ساهِدَ العَينَينِ فيما يُريبُني
أَلا أَنَّ طَرفي في الأَذى غَيرُ ساهِدِ

17. I think of the aspects of schemes,
I was patient with calamities, the patience of the son of Hurra,

١٧. غَفَلتُ عَنِ الحُسّادِ مِن غَيرِ غَفلَةٍ
وَبِتُّ طَويلَ النَومِ عَن غَيرِ راقِدِ

18. Greatly wronged but with few helpers,
So I pursued until the running made my blond steed blind,

١٨. خَليلَيَّ ما أَعدَدتُما لِمُتَيَّمٍ
أَسيرٍ لَدى الأَعداءِ جافي المَراقِدِ

19. And I struck until striking enfeebled my arm,
And we thought one whose steps faltered,

١٩. فَريدٍ عَنِ الأَحبابِ صَبٍّ دُموعُهُ
مَثانٍ عَلى الخَدَّينِ غَيرُ فَرائِدِ

20. Would not be afflicted by the like of these calamities,
I gathered Indian swords from every town,

٢٠. إِذا شِئتَ جاهَرتُ العَدُوَّ وَلَم أَبِت
أُقَلِّبُ فِكري في وُجوهِ المَكائِدِ

21. And prepared every warrior for raids,
And between them and me, I sent many daughters of Bukayriyya,

٢١. صَبَرتُ عَلى اللَأواءِ صَبرَ اِبنِ حُرَّةٍ
كَثيرِ العِدى فيها قَليلِ المُساعِدِ

22. Around the strongholds,
If other than God is a person's provision,

٢٢. فَطارَدتُ حَتّى أَبهَرَ الجَريُ أَشقَري
وَضارَبتُ حَتّى أَوهَنَ الضَربُ ساعِدي

23. Adversities will come to him from beneficial quarters,
The bier dragged the corpse of Hudhayfa,

٢٣. وَكُنّا نَرى أَن لَم يُصِب مَن تَصَرَّمَت
مَواقِفُهُ عَن مِثلِ هَذي الشَدائِدِ

24. And he used to view it as equipment for adversities,
And death dragged away Malik ibn Nuwayra,

٢٤. جَمَعتُ سُيوفَ الهِندِ مِن كُلِّ بَلدَةٍ
وَأَعدَدتُ لِلهَيجاءِ كُلَّ مُجالِدِ

25. His beautiful wife in the days of Khalid,
And it destroyed the houses of Utayba,

٢٥. وَأَكثَرتُ لِلغاراتِ بَيني وَبَينَهُم
بَناتِ البُكَيرِيّاتِ حَولَ المَزاوِدِ

26. His sons and family with the intensity of poems,
May God bring good, for I have customary bounties from Him that are unceasing,

٢٦. إِذا كانَ غَيرُ اللَهِ لِلمَرءِ عُدَّةً
أَتَتهُ الرَزايا مِن وُجوهِ الفَوائِدِ

27. So how He saved me from the depth of darkness where no large army could save me from its depth,
If I return one day to war, nobility, generosity and benevolence, I will be the most generous returner,

٢٧. فَقَد جَرَّتِ الحَنفاءُ حَتفَ حُذَيفَةٍ
وَكانَ يَراها حُدَّةً لِلشَدائِدِ

28. Bitter towards enemies but rich and fertile - sweet of springs for a neighbor
Delighted at the edges of the days with between them whatever he wishes of fresh and plump,

٢٨. وَجَرَّت مَنايا مالِكِ اِبنِ نُوَيرَةٍ
عَقيلَتُهُ الحَسناءُ أَيّامَ خالِدِ

29. I defended the sanctuary of my people and guarded my clan,
And adorned my family with the collars of these necklaces,

٢٩. وَأَردى ذُؤاباً في بُيوتِ عُتَيبَةٍ
بَنوهُ وَأَهلوهُ بِشَدوِ القَصائِدِ

30. Virtues not found in any glorious man,
But in Al-Majid Son of the Glorious

٣٠. عَسى اللَهُ أَن يَأتي بِخَيرٍ فَإِنَّ لي
عَوائِدَ مِن نُعماهُ غَيرُ بَوائِدِ

٣١. فَكَم شالَني مِن قَعرِ ظَلماءَ لَم يَكُن
لِيُنقِذَني مِن قَعرِها حَشدُ حاشِدِ

٣٢. فَإِن عُدتُ يَوماً عادَ لِلحَربِ وَالعُلا
وَبَذلِ النَدى وَالجودِ أَكرَمُ عائِدِ

٣٣. مَريرٌ عَلى الأَعداءِ لَكِنَّ جارَهُ
إِلى خَصِبِ الأَكنافِ عَذبِ المَوارِدِ

٣٤. مُشَهّىً بِأَطرافِ النَهارِ وَبَينَها
لَهُ ما تَشَهّى مِن طَريفٍ وَتالِدِ

٣٥. مَنَعتُ حِمى قَومي وَسُدتُ عَشيرَتي
وَقَلَّدتُ أَهلي غُرَّ هَذي القَلائِدِ

٣٦. خَلائِقُ لا يوجَدنَ في كُلِّ ماجِدِ
وَلكِنَّها في الماجِدِ اِبنِ الأَماجِدِ