
O my brother, I have forgiven the sins of an era

يا أخي قد وهبت ذنب زمان

1. O my brother, I have forgiven the sins of an era
Whose turns have struck me with perdition

١. يا أَخي قَد وَهَبتُ ذَنبَ زَمانٍ
طَرَقَتني صُروفُهُ بِالمَهالِك

2. It did not grant me any youthful slumber
Nor did I find in it your phantom, my imagination

٢. لَم يَهَب لي صُبابَةً مِن رُقادٍ
لَم يَجُد لي فيها بِطَيفِ خَيالِك

3. We have been satisfied with that bit from it
And we forgave it the sins for that

٣. قَد قَنِعنا بِذَلِكَ النَزرِ مِنهُ
وَغَفَرنا لَهُ الذُنوبَ لِذَلِك