
Glory is coupled with gentleness

المجد بالرقة مجموع

1. Glory is coupled with gentleness
And merit is seen and heard

١. المَجدُ بِالرَقَّةِ مَجموعُ
وَالفَضلُ مَرئِيٌّ وَمَسموعُ

2. Through it, every generous person's dew
His hands for giving are springs

٢. إِنَّ بِها كُلَّ عَميمِ النَدى
يَداهُ لِلجودِ يَنابيعُ

3. And every house of village generosity
Is raised to the highest of highs

٣. وَكُلَّ مَبذولِ القِرى بَيتُهُ
عَلى عُلا العَلياءِ مَرفوعُ

4. But news came to me, astonishing
The hearing and awe of it is constricted

٤. لَكِن أَتاني نَبَأٌ رائِعٌ
يَضيقُ عَنهُ السَمعُ وَالرَوعُ

5. That my paternal cousins, far from them
Their clan with disunity is split

٥. أَنَّ بَني عَمّي وَحاشاهُمُ
شَعبُهُم بِالخُلفِ مَصدوعُ

6. What is with the staff of my people that it cracked
Recklessness from them and loss

٦. ما لِعَصا قَومِيَ قَد شَقَّها
تَفارُطٌ مِنهُم وَتَضيِيعُ

7. Sons of my father, what was between you dispersed
Rancor upon resentment imprinted

٧. بَني أَبي فَرَّقَ ما بَينَكُمُ
واشٍ عَلى الشَحناءِ مَطبوعُ

8. Return to the best of what you were
For you are the noble cubic rock

٨. عودوا إِلى أَحسَنِ ماكُنتُمُ
فَأَنتُمُ الغُرُّ المَرابيعُ

9. Glory is not complete for the glorious
Who has no resolution or return

٩. لا يَكمُلُ السُؤدُدُ في ماجِدٍ
لَيسَ لَهُ عَودٌ وَمَرجوعُ

10. Shall I offer affection to our enemies?
While from brothers it's forbidden

١٠. أَنَبذِلُ الوُدَّ لِأَعدائِنا
وَهوَ عَنِ الإِخَوَةِ مَمنوعُ

11. Or join those furthest from our people?
While the closest kinship is cut off

١١. أَو نَصِلُ الأَبعَدَ مِن قَومِنا
وَالنَسَبُ الأَقرَبُ مَقطوعُ

12. Glory does not settle on a faction
Deceived by falsehood are the rest

١٢. لايَثبُتُ العِزُّ عَلى فُرقَةٍ
غَيرُكَ بِالباطِلِ مَخدوعُ