
We wore the cloak of night while night still suckled

لبسنا رداء الليل والليل راضع

1. We wore the cloak of night while night still suckled
Until it bowed its head with hoary hair

١. لَبِسنا رِداءَ اللَيلِ وَاللَيلُ راضِعٌ
إِلى أَن تَرَدّى رَأسُهُ بِمَشيبِ

2. And we spent the night like two entwined branches
Swayed by the morning breeze, north and south

٢. وَبِتنا كَغُصنَي بانَةٍ عابَثَتهُما
إِلى الصُبحِ ريحا شَمأَلٍ وَجَنوبِ

3. In a state that thwarts the envious with anger
And turns from us the eye of every watcher

٣. بِحالٍ تُرَدُّ الحاسِدينَ بِغَيظِهِم
وَتَطرِفُ عَنّا عَينَ كُلِّ رَقيبِ

4. Until dawn's light appeared as though it were
The flashing blades of warriors in dusty armor

٤. إِلى أَن بَدا ضَوءُ الصَباحِ كَأَنَّهُ
مَبادي نُصولٍ في عِذارِ خَضيبِ

5. O night, you left without causing any harm
And morning comes, no lover in its midst

٥. فَيا لَيلُ قَد فارَقتَ غَيرَ مُذَمِّمٍ
وَيا صُبحُ قَد أَقبَلتَ غَيرَ حَبيبِ