1. Will you not eulogize a passionate lover
Did you know what he will encounter or did you not know?
١. هَلّا رَثَيتِ لِمُستَهامٍ مُغرَمِ
أَعَلِمتِ مايَلقاهُ أَم لَم تَعلَمي
2. And if you have been free from worries in the morning
You certainly knew that I have not been safe
٢. وَلَئِن غَدَوتِ مِنَ الهُمومِ سَليمَةً
فَلَقَد عَلِمتِ بِأَنَّني لَم أَسلِمِ
3. And if you obeyed the blamers, I
Have opposed the words of my blamers and faultfinders
٣. وَلَئِن أَطَعتِ العاذِلاتِ فَإِنَّني
خالَفتُ قَولَ عَواذِلي وَاللُوَّمِ
4. And when you pass by the dwellings in the morning
Say hello, greet the dwellings of Haytham
٤. وَإِذا مَرَرتَ عَلى الدِيارِ غُدَيَّةً
إِقرا السَلامَ عَلى دِيارِ الهَيثَمِ
5. A fawn smiles from a rising morn
From her mouth in the wing of a dark night
٥. غَرّاءُ تَبسِمُ عَن صَباحٍ طالِعٍ
مِن ثَغرِها في جَنحِ لَيلٍ مُظلِمِ
6. She dispels the darkness with a smile that dispels gloom
By my father and mother, that smile is graceful
٦. تَجلو الظَلامَ بِمَبسَمٍ يَجلو الدُجى
بِأَبي وَأُمّي طيبُ ذاكَ المَبسَمِ
7. How many starry nights when she appeared to us
Were like the day when she turned away from Adham
٧. كَم لَيلَةٍ شَهباءَ إِذ بَرَزَت لَنا
كانَت كَيَومٍ إِذ تَوَلَّت أَدهَمِ
8. She concealed my love and met it with estrangement
It's all the same whether she concealed or did not conceal
٨. كَتَمَت هَوايَ وَقابَلَتهُ بِهَجرَةٍ
سَيّانِ إِن كَتَمَت وَإِن لَم تَكتُمِ