
O chief of the tribes, though you are captive,

أبا العشائر إن أسرت فطالما

1. O chief of the tribes, though you are captive,
The valiant white swords have long held others captive for you

١. أَبا العَشائِرِ إِن أُسِرتَ فَطالَما
أَسَرَت لَكَ البيضُ الخِفافُ رِجالا

2. When you delayed paying the ransom above their heads
The red forelocks wove braids for it

٢. لَمّا أَجَلتَ المُهرَ فَوقَ رُؤوسِهِم
نَسَجَت لَهُ حُمرُ الشُعورِ عِقالا

3. O you who, when the steed bears down in battle
Says: don your sandals of thick leather

٣. يا مَن إِذا حَمَلَ الحَصانَ عَلى الوَجى
قالَ اِتَّخِذ حُبُكَ التَريكِ نِعالا

4. You were no easy prey on the day of battle
Had you but found open ground for the Cumayt

٤. ماكُنتَ نَهزَةَ آخِذٍ يَومَ الوَغى
لَو كُنتَ أَوجَدتَ الكُمَيتَ مَجالا

5. A free soul and great resolves bore you away
And the mountains seemed to you shortened from their peaks

٥. حَمَلَتكَ نَفسٌ حُرَّةٌ وَعَزائِمٌ
قَصَّرنَ مِن قُلَلِ الجِبالِ طِوالا

6. You saw the saddle-backs in the valley of `Ara`ir
And the Byzantines as wild beasts and the mountains as sand dunes

٦. وَرَأَينَ بَطنَ العَيرِ ظَهرَ عُراعِرٍ
وَالرومَ وَحشاً وَالجِبالَ رِمالا

7. They took you by surprise in the defiles
Like frightened women screaming from every side

٧. أَخذوكَ في كَبِدِ المَضايِقِ غيلَةً
مِثلَ النِساءِ تُرَبِّبُ الرِئبالا

8. Why did you not call on your brother, while he wields the sword
Able to ward off the direst calamity and repel mortal dangers

٨. أَلّا دَعَوتَ أَخاكَ وَهوَ مُصاقِبٌ
يَكفي العَظيمَ وَيَدفَعُ الأَهوالا

9. Why did you not call on Abu Firas, for he
Is one who, when the prize is hard to reach, attains it

٩. أَلّا دَعَوتَ أَبا فِراسٍ إِنَّهُ
مِمَّن إِذا طَلَبَ المُمَنَّعَ نالا

10. His horses answered your need though too late
Galloping like fleet gazelles unleashed

١٠. وَرَدَت بُعَيدَ الفَوتِ أَرضَكَ خَيلَهُ
سَرعى كَأَمثالِ القَطا أَرسالا

11. A king, when times trip and fall, gives you rest
From the worries of the days, lightening their weight

١١. زَلَلٌ مِنَ الأَيّامِ فيكَ يُقيلُهُ
مَلِكٌ إِذا عَثَرَ الزَمانُ أَقالا

12. The sword of the Dawla continues to be the ruinous blade
That meets the mighty and sustains heavy burdens

١٢. مازالَ سَيفُ الدَولَةِ القَرمَ الَّذي
يَلقى العَظيمَ وَيَحمِلُ الأَثقالا

13. With seasoned horses, and swords that strike fire
With thrusting spears, and men quick to charge

١٣. بِالخَيلِ ضُمراً وَالسُيوفِ قَواضِباً
وَالسُمرِ لُدناً وَالرِجالِ عِجالا

14. A warrior who breaks the stubborn when they come back
And kills the enemies if they dare persist

١٤. وَمُعَوَّدٍ فَكَّ العُناةِ مُعاوِدٌ
قَتَلَ العُداةِ إِذا اِستَغارَ أَطالا

15. We formed ranks at Kharsanah and cut through the cavalry
While the tribesmen took spoil around Qumayra

١٥. صِفنا بِخَرشَنَةٍ وَقَطَّعنا الشَتا
وَبنو البَوادي في قُمَيرَ حِلالا

16. High hopes led them to you, but the gulf intervened
And prevented their crossing.

١٦. وَسَمَت بِهِم هِمَمٌ إِلَيكَ مُنيفَةٌ
لَكِنَّهُ حَجَرَ الخَليجُ وَحالا

17. Tomorrow his horses will come to free you
Bearing heroes and heavily caparisoned.

١٧. وَغَداً تَزورُكَ بِالفِكاكِ خُيولُهُ
مُتَثاقِلاتٌ تَنقُلُ الأَبطالا

18. Your cousin is not the protector of poets helpless
Before kings, releasing them from their chains

١٨. إِنَّ اِبنَ عَمِّكَ لَيسَ عَمُّ الأَخطَلِ اِج
تاحَ المُلوكَ وَفَكَّكَ الأَغلالا