1. From the sea of your poetry I draw water
And by your knowledge I admit
١. مِن بَحرِ شِعرِكَ أَغتَرِف
وَبِفَضلِ عِلمِكَ أَعتَرِف
2. You have recited to me as though
You have opened a pearl from an oyster
٢. أَنشَدتَني فَكَأَنَّما
شَقَقتَ عَن دُرٍّ صَدَف
3. Poetry, when I compare it
To all the poetry of past ages
٣. شِعراً إِذا ماقِستُهُ
بِجَميعِ أَشعارِ السَلَف
4. Falls short of its scope however much
Letters are shortened from the first letter
٤. قَصَّرنَ دونَ مَداهُ تَق
صيرَ الحُروفِ عَنِ الأَلِف