1. I will not forget the day of al-Maghar,
When she appeared veiled by barriers.
١. وَما أَنسَ لا أَنسَ يَومَ المَغارِ
مُحَجَّبَةً لَفَظَتها الحُجُب
2. Her people called you evil-doer,
For what you disliked and did not want.
٢. دَعاكَ ذَوُوها بِسوءِ الفِعالِ
لِما لاتَشاءُ وَما لاتُحِب
3. Stumbling on her veil, you went to her,
And saw death closely with your eyes.
٣. فَوافَتكَ تَعثُرُ في مَرطِها
وَقَد رَأَتِ المَوتَ مِن عَن كَثَب
4. Fear intermingled when you appeared,
Lowering the beauty with fright.
٤. وَقَد خَلَطَ الخَوفُ لَمّا طَلَع
تَ دَلَّ الجَمالِ بِذُلِّ الرُعُب
5. She hurried in her steps lightness,
And swayed as she walked not from pleasure.
٥. تُسارِعُ في الخَطوِ لاخِفَّةً
وَتَهتَزُّ في المَشيِ لامِن طَرَب
6. When the houses appeared to you below,
An army of heroes appeared from them to you.
٦. فَلَمّا بَدَت لَكَ دونَ البُيوتِ
بَدا لَكَ مِنهُنَّ جَيشٌ لَجِب
7. You were their brother when there was no brother,
And you were their father when there was no father.
٧. فَكُنتَ أَخاهُنَّ إِذ لا أَخٌ
وَكُنتَ أَباهُنَّ إِذ لَيسَ أَب
8. You have never ceased since you came to the beautiful one,
Protecting the inviolable and preserving lineage.
٨. وَما زِلتَ مُذ كُنتَ تَأتي الجَميلَ
وَتَحمي الحَريمَ وَتَرعى النَسَب
9. You would become angry until, when you controlled yourself,
You obeyed consent and disobeyed anger.
٩. وَتَغضَبُ حَتّى إِذا مامَلَكتَ
أَطَعتَ الرِضا وَعَصَيتَ الغَضَب
10. They turned away from you ransoming her,
And raised from its train what had dragged.
١٠. فَوَلَّينَ عَنكَ يُفَدَّينَها
وَيَرفَعنَ مِن ذَيلِها ما اِنسَحَب
11. They called between the houses,
May God not cut off the lineage of the Arabs!
١١. يُنادينَ بَينَ خِلالِ البُيو
تِ لايَقطَعِ اللَهُ نَسلَ العَرَب
12. You commanded, while you are the obeyed noble one,
To grant safety and return the plunder.
١٢. أَمَرتَ وَأَنتَ المُطاعُ الكَريمُ
بِبَذلِ الأَمانِ وَرَدِّ السَلَب
13. They gained from the core of hearts,
The most abundant spoils and sweetest saplings.
١٣. وَقَد رُحنَ مِن مُهَجاتِ القُلوبِ
بِأَوفَرِ غُنمٍ وَأَغلى نَشَب
14. For they, O son of the generous honored ones,
Have returned hearts and returned plunder.
١٤. فَإِن هُنَّ يا اِبنَ السَراةِ الكِرامِ
رَدَدنَ القُلوبَ رَدَدنا النَهَب