
Grant what Asa' claimed you would grant, so grant it to him,

هبه أساء كما زعمت فهب له

1. Grant what Asa' claimed you would grant, so grant it to him,
And have mercy on his pleading and his abject state.

١. هَبهُ أَساءَ كَما زَعَمتَ فَهَب لَهُ
وَاِرحَم تَضَرُّعُهُ وَذُلَّ مَقامِهِ

2. By Allah, your Lord, why did you break his patience
And aid by estrangement his ailing army?

٢. بِاللَهِ رَبِّكَ لِم فَتَكتَ بِصَبرِهِ
وَنَصَرتَ بِالهِجرانِ جَيشَ سَقامِهِ

3. You parted his eyelids from his sleep,
And joined his leanness to his bones.

٣. فَرَّقتَ بَينَ جُفونِهِ وَمَنامِهِ
وَجَمَعتَ بَينَ نُحولِهِ وَعِظامِهِ