1. To whom are noble forebears not from the earth, except for him?
Who counts as I count from the lofty ancestors?
١. لِمَنِ الجُدودُ الأَكرَمو
نَ مِنَ الوَرى إِلّا لِيَه
2. Who stands for his people amidst the ranks as I stand?
Who returns their breasts when they openly commit wrong?
٢. مَن ذا يَعُدُّ كَما أَعُدُّ
مِنَ الجُدودِ العالِيَه
3. I protect my honor lest it be violated, yet I do not protect my wealth.
They fear me like the mound of ashes, yet my enemies feel safe from me.
٣. مَن ذا يَقومُ لِقَومِهِ
بَينَ الصُفوفِ مَقامِيَه
4. When gloom falls its end is my end.
My fire blazes for the noble guests.
٤. مَن ذا يَرُدُّ صُدورَهُن
نَ إِذا أَغَرنَ عَلانِيَه
5. O fire, if you bring no guest, you are not my fire.
Honor is a tent with wide sheets, and domes for my neighbor.
٥. أَحمي حَريمي أَن يُبا
حَ وَلَستُ أَحمي مالِيَه
6. He reaps without being reaped from, and avoids harm through me.
٦. وَتَخافُني كومُ اللِقا
حِ وَقَد أَمِنَّ عِداتِيَه
٧. يُمسي إِذا طَرَقَ الضِو
فُ فِناؤُها بِفِنائِيَه
٨. ناري عَلى شَرَفٍ تَأَجَّ
جَ لِلضُيوفِ السارِيَه
٩. يانارُ إِن لَم تَجلِبي
ضَيفاً فَلَستِ بِنارِيَه
١٠. وَالعِزُّ مَضروبُ السُرا
دِقِ وَالقِبابِ لِجارِيَه
١١. يَجني وَلا يُجنى عَلَي
هِ وَيَتَّقي الجُلّى بِيَه