1. No wonder if languor troubles you at times,
And eyes grow listless in their weary round;
١. لاغَروَ إِن فَتَنَتكَ بِال
لَحَظاتِ فاتِرَةُ الجُفونِ
2. For lovers' breasts between love's wane and rise
Are battle-fields for peace and tumult bound.
٢. فَمَصارِعُ العُشّاقِ ما
بَينَ الفُتورِ إِلى الفُتونِ
3. Have patience; for the law of love is this:
That patient heat must pass through cold's abyss.
٣. اِصبِر فَمِن سُنَنِ الهَوى
صَبرُ الضَنينِ عَلى الظَنينِ