
I shun evil, I do not commit it

أفر من السوء لا أفعله

1. I shun evil, I do not commit it
And from the stance of oppression, I do not accept it

١. أَفِرُّ مِنَ السوءِ لا أَفعَلُه
وَمِن مَوقِفِ الضَيمِ لا أَقبَلُه

2. And I look after the kinship of kin
And the excellence of my brother, I do not ignore it

٢. وَقُربى القَرابَةِ أَرعى لَها
وَفَضلُ أَخي الفَضلِ لا أَجهَلُه

3. And I bestow my justice upon the weak
And to the arrogant, haughty one I do not bestow it

٣. وَأَبذُلُ عَدلِيَ لِلأَضعَفينَ
وَلِلشامِخِ الأَنفِ لا أَبذُلُه

4. And I do good whatever life remains
If God grants me what I hope for

٤. وَأَحسَنُ ماكُنتَ بُقيا إِذا
أَنالَني اللَهُ ما آمُلُه

5. And the living one knew the living one of the mirage
And the most truthful saying of a young man is the best of him

٥. وَقَد عَلِمَ الحَيُّ حَيَّ الضِبابِ
وَأَصدَقُ قيلِ الفَتى أَفضَلُه

6. That I held back and that I was chaste
Even if the army dislikes what I do

٦. بِأَنّي كَفَفتُ وَأَنّي عَفَفتُ
وَإِن كَرِهَ الجَيشُ ما أَفعَلُه

7. And the living one was exhausted from those who came after him
And the fear of harm halted its first ones

٧. وَقَد أُرهِقَ الحَيُّ مِن خَلفِهِ
وَأوقِفَ خَوفَ الرَدى أَوَّلُه

8. So the enemies returned with their hatred
And the sensible one understood it

٨. فَعادَت عُدَيٌّ بِأَحقادِها
وَقَد عَقَلَ الأَمرَ مَن يَعقِلُه