
Were it not for the old woman in Manbij

لولا العجوز بمنبج ما خفت

1. Were it not for the old woman in Manbij
I would not have feared the causes of affection

١. لَولا العَجوزُ بِمَنبِجٍ
ما خِفتُ أَسبابَ المَنِيَّه

2. And I would have, for the one who asked of me
A self that refuses redemption

٢. وَلَكانَ لي عَمّا سَأَل
تُ مِنَ الفِدا نَفسٌ أَبِيَّه

3. But I wanted her wish
Even if I was pulled to baseness

٣. لَكِن أَرَدتُ مُرادَها
وَلَوِ اِنجَذَبتُ إِلى الدَنِيَّه

4. And I see my defenders upon her
That she be protected from passion

٤. وَأَرى مُحاماتي عَلَي
ها أَن تُضامَ مِنَ الحَمِيَّه

5. She remained in Manbij grieved
After me, confused

٥. أَمسَت بِمَنبِجَ حُرَّةٌ
بِالحُزنِ مِن بَعدي حَرِيَّه

6. If an incident could be deflected
Or a visitor of good intention

٦. لَو كانَ يُدفَعُ حادِثٌ
أَو طارِقٌ بِجَميلِ نِيَّه

7. The strikes of incidents would not have struck
The land of those devout people

٧. لَم تَطَّرِق نُوَبُ الحَوا
دِثِ أَرضَ هاتيكَ التَقِيَّه

8. But the decree of Allah and
His rulings are carried out in the land

٨. لَكِن قَضاءُ اللَهِ وَال
أَحكامِ تَنفُذُ في البَرِيَّه

9. And patience comes to everyone
According to the measure of calamity

٩. وَالصَبرُ يَأتي كُلَّ ذي
رُزءٍ عَلى قَدرِ الرَزِيَّه

10. It still visits Manbij
In every departing morning, a greeting

١٠. لازالَ يَطرِقُ مَنبِجاً
في كُلِّ غادِيَةٍ تَحِيَّه

11. In it are piety and religion
Gathered in a pure soul

١١. فيها التُقى وَالدينُ مَج
موعانِ في نَفسٍ زَكِيَّه

12. My nation, do not grieve me
And trust in the grace of Allah in me

١٢. يا أُمَّتا لاتَحزَني
وَثِقي بِفَضلِ اللَهِ فِيَّه

13. My nation, do not despair
Allah has hidden gentleness

١٣. يا أُمَّتا لاتَيأَسي
لِلَّهِ أَلطافٌ خَفِيَّه

14. How many incidents He has diverted from us
And how much He has protected us from affliction

١٤. كَم حادِثٍ عَنّا جَلا
هُ وَكَم كَفانا مِن بَلِيَّه

15. I advise you with excellent patience
For it is the best bequest

١٥. أوصيكَ بِالصَبرِ الجَمي
لِ فَإِنَّهُ خَيرُ الوَصِيَّه