1. O night, how oblivious you are to my plight
My loved ones are in you, and those I yearn for
١. يا لَيلُ ما أَغفَلُ عَمّا بي
حَبائِبي فيكَ وَأَحبابي
2. O night, people sleep despite their anguish
Tossing and turning on their beds, restless
٢. يا لَيلُ نامَ الناسُ عَن موجَعٍ
ناءٍ عَلى مَضجَعِهِ نابي
3. A northern wind blew towards me
Reaching my heart with its messages
٣. هَبَّت لَهُ ريحٌ شَآمِيَّةٌ
مَتَّت إِلى القَلبِ بِأَسبابِ
4. Bearing news from a beloved of mine
I alone understood it among my companions
٤. أَدَّت رِسالاتِ حَبيبٍ لَنا
فَهِمتُها مِن بَينِ أَصحابي