
Ask the clan of Banu Kilab at Balis,

سلي عنا سراة بني كلاب

1. Ask the clan of Banu Kilab at Balis,
At the foot of the rugged heights,

١. سَلي عَنّا سَراةَ بَني كِلابٍ
بِبالِسَ عِندَ مُشتَجَرِ العَوالي

2. We met them with short swords,
Sufficient for the task of long spears,

٢. لَقَيناهُم بِأَسيافٍ قِصارٍ
كَفَينَ مَؤونَةَ الأَسَلِ الطِوالِ

3. And Ibn Awsaja's son fled with many,
His steps hampered in the narrow terrain,

٣. وَوَلّى بِاِبنِ عَوسَجَةٍ كَثيرٍ
وَساعُ الخَطوِ في ضَنكِ المَجالِ

4. He saw a flea when we let him escape,
More precious than a close kinswoman or wealth,

٤. يَرى البَرغوثَ إِذ نَجّاهُ مِنّا
أَجَلَّ عَقيلَةٍ وَأَحَبَّ مالِ

5. Umayyad slave girls circle around him,
And women ask him about the men,

٥. تَدورُ بِهِ إِماءٌ مِن قُرَيظٍ
وَتَسأَلُهُ النِساءُ عَنِ الرِجالِ

6. They say to him "Safety is the best spoils,
And humiliation lies in that saying,"

٦. يَقُلنَ لَهُ السَلامَةُ خَيرُ غُنمٍ
وَإِنَّ الذُلَّ في ذاكَ المَقالِ

7. And throngs of white horses shunned him,
Turning from the open ground to the ravines,

٧. وَجُمهانٌ تَجافَت عَنهُ بيضٌ
عَدَلنَ عَنِ الصَريحِ إِلى المَوالي

8. And they returned listening to us, so we returned,
To the customary noble deeds,

٨. وَعادوا سامِعينَ لَنا فَعُدنا
إِلى المَعهودِ مِن شَرَفِ الفَعالِ

9. And whenever we were pleased after anger,
We healed with spears what swords had injured.

٩. وَنَحنُ مَتى رَضينا بَعدَ سُخطٍ
أَسَونا ماجَرَحنا بِالنَوالِ