1. After long estrangement a mask of intimacy
With the approach of a beloved's phantom that bent close;
١. أَقَناعَةً مِن بَعدِ طولِ جَفاءِ
بِدُنُوِّ طَيفٍ مِن حَبيبٍ ناءِ
2. By my life and my parents' lives we cried to him,
"We'll ransom you with our mothers and fathers!"
٢. بِأَبي وَأُمّي شادِنٌ قُلنا لَهُ
نَفديكَ بِالأَمّاتِ وَالآباءِ
3. A lewd fellow, when he ogles the chaste with a glance
Becomes for him the cause of going astray;
٣. رَشَأٌ إِذا لَحَظَ العَفيفَ بِنَظرَةٍ
كانَت لَهُ سَبَباً إِلى الفَحشاءِ
4. And his gardens temptation upon his lovers
With the wondrous beauty in them of soft voices;
٤. وَجَناتُهُ تَجني عَلى عُشّاقِهِ
بِبَديعِ ما فيها مِنَ اللَألاءِ
5. White, tinged by redness, and red buds among them,
Like wine mixed with water, both together:
٥. بيضٌ عَلَتها حُمرَةٌ فَتَوَرَّدَت
مِثلَ المُدامِ خَلَطتَها بِالماءِ
6. So they seemed to have come forth to us wearing
White mantles with red borders around them.
٦. فَكَأَنَّها بَرَزَت لَنا بِغَلالَةٍ
بَيضاءَ تَحتَ غِلالَةٍ حَمراءِ
7. How can his glances and eyes be shunned
When they are highways for arrows to our hearts?
٧. كَيفَ اِتِّقاءُ لِحاظِهِ وَعُيونُنا
طُرُقٌ لِأَسهُمِها إِلى الأَحشاءِ
8. Wine has dyed his cheeks the color of my tears,
As though he weeps with weeping like mine;
٨. صَبَغَ الحَيا خَدَّيهِ لَونَ مَدامِعي
فَكَأَنَّهُ يَبكي بِمِثلِ بُكائي
9. How can the heart-inflaming one who shoots us
With the does' glances of his languid eyes be shunned?
٩. كَيفَ اِتِّقاءُ جَآذِرٍ يَرمينَنا
بِظُبى الصَوارِمِ مِن عُيونِ ظِباءِ
10. O Lord of that slender fawn, who has filled
My heart with all that her body can contain!
١٠. يارَبَّ تِلكَ المُقلَةِ النَجلاءِ
حاشاكَ مِمّا ضُمِّنَت أَحشائي
11. You have rewarded my loyalty with estrangement,
And met my virtue with betrayal and disdain.
١١. جازَيتَني بُعداً بِقُربي في الهَوى
وَمَنَحتَني غَدراً بِحُسنِ وَفائي
12. Your clouds have rained in the land of Salamiyah,
A shower generous from the truest clouds.
١٢. جادَت عِراصَكِ يا شَآمُ سَحابَةٌ
عَرّاضَةٌ مِن أَصدَقِ الأَنواءِ
13. Land of gallantry, valor, and noble youths,
Home of every knight and hero bold and brave.
١٣. بَلَدُ المَجانَةِ وَالخَلاعَةِ وَالصِبا
وَمَحَلِّ كُلِّ فُتُوَّةٍ وَفَتاءِ
14. Kinds of flowers, gardens in clusters massed together,
Pure waters' sheen, the temperate air's caress;
١٤. أَنواعُ زَهرٍ وَاِلتِفافُ حَدائِقٍ
وَصَفاءُ ماءٍ وَاِعتِدالُ هَواءِ
15. Gazelles like swords, whose glances give us to drink
Deep draughts of lightning-flash and swordblade's gleam.
١٥. وَخَرائِدٌ مِثلُ الدُمى يَسقينَنا
كَأَسَينِ مِن لَحظٍ وَمِن صَهباءِ
16. And when they pass the wine-cup round to companions
They sing the verses of Ibn Awis al-Ta'i.
١٦. وَإِذا أَدَرنَ عَلى النَدامى كَأسَها
غَنَّينَنا شِعرَ اِبنِ أَوسِ الطائي
17. Since I departed I've been parted from my bliss;
I left behind me joy and happiness.
١٧. فارَقتُ حينَ شَخَصتُ عَنها لِذَّتي
وَتَرَكتُ أَحوالَ السُرورِ وَرائي
18. From the island country I made my way
To a lonely place, far from allIGNorant men.
١٨. وَنَزَلتُ مِن بَلَدِ الجَزيرَةِ مَنزِلاً
خِلواً مِنَ الخُلَطاءِ وَالنُدَماءِ
19. So every exquisite taste that comes from it
Seems mean, and every open space too cramped.
١٩. فَيُمِرُّ عِندي كُلُّ طَعمٍ طَيِّبٍ
مِن رِبقِها وَيَضيقُ كُلُّ فَضاءِ
20. No, not the island country, but Damascus
Is my delight; increase of Euphrates' stream
٢٠. الشامُ لابَلَدُ الجَزيرَةِ لَذَّتي
وَيَزيدُ لاماءُ الفُراتِ مُنائي
21. Does not add to my pleasure; I remain
A prisoner, loving Manbij, not white (ar-Ragga).
٢١. وَأَبيتُ مُرتَهَنَ الفُؤادِ بِمَنبِجَ ال
سَو داءِ لا بِالرَقَّةَ البَيضاءِ
22. If only someone would tell the noble ones
That after them I spend my nights with Virgo's stars!
٢٢. مَن مُبلِغُ النَدماءَ أَنّي بَعدَهُم
أُمسي نَديمَ كَواكِبِ الجَوزاءِ
23. Though you have left me I tend the pasture still;
But who, at such a distance from his folk, tends me?
٢٣. وَلَقَد رَعَيتُ فَلَيتَ شِعري مَن رَعى
مِنكُم عَلى بُعدِ الدِيارِ إِخائي
24. The foolish one grew hot, and I said calmly,
"I long for those who dwell upon the heights."
٢٤. فَحمَ الغَبِيُّ وَقُلتُ غَيرَ مُلَجلِجٍ
إِنّي لَمُشتاقٌ إِلى العَلياءِ
25. My skill is sword-strokes, and my poetry's woven
With threads the other poets have spun out.
٢٥. وَصِناعَتي ضَربُ السُيوفِ وَإِنَّني
مُتَعَرِّضٌ في الشِعرِ بِالشُعَراءِ
26. O God Who will unite us, constant,
In lasting honor and unbroken harmony!
٢٦. وَاللَهُ يَجمَعُنا بِعِزٍّ دائِمٍ
وَسَلامَةٍ مَوصولَةٍ بِبَقاءِ