
With a flash of lightning and a smile on his lips

للمعة برق بابتسامة ثغره

1. With a flash of lightning and a smile on his lips
He gifted the art of poetry on a night of poetry

١. للمعة برق بابتسامة ثغره
هديت لنظم الشعر في ليل شعره

2. His cheek distracted me, confused
So I found in the beauty of his verse the pearls of his sea

٢. وشوش بالي منه صدغ مشوش
فجدت بحسن النظم في عقد بحره

3. And his enviers blamed him as he passed by laughing
So I said it's the friction of pearls in the midst of his lips

٣. وحساده عابوه إذ مر ضاحكا
فقلت اصطكاك الدر في وسط ثغره

4. And the guard rebuked me one day, not knowing
That I had diffused musk at the time of his mention

٤. ونافحني الداري يوما وما درى
بأني لفظت المسك ساعة ذكره

5. And how many apparitions visited me from him seducing
Waking the people of the neighborhood with his fragrance

٥. ورب خيال زارني منه موهنا
فنبه أهل الحي عباق نشره

6. Clinging to me were his branches and twigs
And the guards of that neighborhood shouted "The aroma! The aroma!"

٦. علوقا بأطرافي شذاه ومطرفي
فها أنا بعد النوم ناشق عطره

7. So I said an apparition visited after his abandonment
And they said "The wounded loved one is hurt by the aroma"

٧. وحراس ذاك الحي صاحو الشذا الشذا
فقلت خيال زار من بعد هجره

8. So I said "Trust the one who broke my heart will heal it"
And after three days a merchant came to the neighborhood

٨. وقالوا جريح القوم ضائره الشذا
فقلت ثقوا من كسر قلبي يجبره

9. Saying "That intense musk, bring it out and diffuse it!"
So they said "Did an apparition come spreading

٩. وبعد ثلاث عاج بالحي تاجر
يقول سحيق المسك هاتوه نشره

10. The shirt of Joseph, so it smelled with its diffusion?"
And she is not like a female ostrich, whenever he passes by

١٠. فقالوا خيال قال هل جاء ناشراً
قميص ابن يعقوب ففاح بنشره

11. He turns his neck toward her in her confusion
She sings when she listens to him pleasing her

١١. وما أم خشف كلما مر سانحا
ينص إليها جيده عند ذعره

12. Her necklace boiling with the folds of his chest
She plays with him sometimes fearing his capture

١٢. أغن إذا أصغت إليه يروقها
فتغلي بروقيها تلابيب صدره

13. And sometimes is annoyed by his constant aloofness
She walks with him in the garden for a while and another time

١٣. تزجيه حينا إذ تخاف اقتناصه
وتنفر أحيانا لادمان نفره

14. She stays heavy next to the shelters and the lotus trees
You see him procumbent on the ground in the dust

١٤. تسيم به بالروض طوراً ومرة
تقيل لدى أيك المراح وسدره

15. Never satiated by the cheeks in his killing
He loves me more intensely than his gentle apparition

١٥. تراه دوين الورد بالعفر رابضا
فلم تأل بالشدقين في نقض عقره

16. And I long for him even more if I'm blessed by his visit
Take me by the hand, oh companions of the night of agony

١٦. أشد هوى مني لطيف خياله
وأكثر شوقي إن نعمت بنزره

17. Perhaps an apparition will come rest even if unwillingly
To distance what is between the sleeper and my eyes

١٧. خذوا بيدي يا نائمي الليل للكرى
لعل خيالا طار يأوي لو كره

18. And what is between my passionate heart and its patience
Sleep has left me, taking back its apparition

١٨. لباعد ما بين الرقاد وناظري
وما بين قلبي المستهام وصبره

19. A prisoner, so sleep has escaped me entirely
And how can slumber return to me, consumed with agony

١٩. مضى النوم مني يسترد خياله
أسيرا ففات النوم مني بأسره

20. My brimming tears flowing with their drops
I have appointed the white nights to be with me, for I

٢٠. وكيف يرد الجفن مني على كرى
وحافل دمعي يستهل بقطره

21. Have blamed the moonlit night for them and its full moon
And how many hands I have for the night of his apparition

٢١. يد لليالي البيض عندي فإنني
تعللت ليل البدر عنهم ببدره

22. The darkness lowered its shelters' curtains upon us
Tell about me the apparition that traveled by night

٢٢. وكم من يد عندي لليل خياله
علينا الدجى أرخى ضوافي ستره

23. Visiting, seducing before the rise of its dawn
For the love of the phantom's manners from the creation of passion

٢٣. ألا خبروا عني الخيال الذي سرى
يزر موهنا من قبل مطلع فجره

24. Is the way of the black night to conceal its secret

٢٤. فحب طروق الطيف من خلق الهوى
وشأن سواد الليل كتمان سره