
He sways like a flower branch, wet with life,

يضوع كغصن الزهر بلله الحيا

1. He sways like a flower branch, wet with life,
And outshines the blossoms of spring in their prime.

١. يضوع كغصن الزهر بلله الحيا
ويبهر مطلول البهار المكمم

2. No garden of song between lily and myrtle
Is sweeter to hearts than his charm and his rhyme.

٢. وما روضة غناء ما بين سوسن
وبين أقاح بالسقيط منمم

3. Though eyes and ears feast on his voice and his grace,
His words are delight and joy to the mind.

٣. بأبهج منه للقلوب وإنما
له لذة للعين والسمع والفم