
O Mansur, your might is a mercy upon us

يا أيها المنصور بأسك رحمة

1. O Mansur, your might is a mercy upon us
Even if the enemies say it is torment

١. يا أيها المنصورُ بأسُك رحمةٌ
فينا وإن قال العِداةُ عذابُ

2. Why does not every army you lead prevail?
With you as its supporter and backer is triumph

٢. لم ليس يَغلِبُ كلُّ جيشٍ قدتَه
ونصيرُه وظهيرهُ الغلابُ

3. Yours are the two swords which
The ready sword and the answered prayer

٣. ولك الحسامانِ اللذان هما هما
السيفُ ماضٍ والدعاءُ مجابُ

4. Did any of them creep into your sanctuaries
Except that punishment from you rained down on him

٤. هل دبّ منهم في حِماكم دارجٌ
إلا وصُبَّ عليه منك عِقابُ

5. Or come to you as a sneaking spy
Except a shooting star there burned him

٥. أو جاء مُستَرِقَا إليكُم مارد
إلا وأحرَقَهُ هُناكَ شِهابُ

6. Or did the deluded one among them leave his cave
One day except to return to it

٦. أو فارق المغرورُ منهم كهفَهُ
يوماً فكان له إليه إيابُ

7. So whenever they sought to mangle your home
And leave with plunder, their souls left as plunder

٧. أفكلّما طلبوا لعُقر دياركم
سلباً مضوا ونفوسُهم أسلابُ

8. They erred and thought they had knowledge
While sometimes visions deceive the eyes like a mirage

٨. جهِلوا وظنوا أنَّ علما عندهُم
ولربّما خَدع العيونَ سَرابُ

9. Those registers did not avail them
Which were present but from comprehending were veiled

٩. لم تغنِهِم تلكَ الدواوينُ التي
حضرت وَهُم عن فهمِها غِيّابُ