
The time for consolation has passed, and the time for vengeance has come

ثاب العزاء وحان الأخذ بالثار

1. The time for consolation has passed, and the time for vengeance has come
The harmful darkness has returned to its forest

١. ثاب العزاءُ وحان الأخذُ بالثار
قد عاد في غابه الضّرغامةُ الضاري

2. If adversity brought him to his fate
We have retaliated against him with harm

٢. إن كان أوردهُ البأساءُ مورِدَه
فقد تداركنا منه بإضرار

3. He came to erase his wrong with goodness
As a guilty man comes with an excuse

٣. أتى ليمحو بالحسنى إساءته
كما أتى مذنبٌ يدلي بأعذرِ

4. Any sweetness from him was a draught whose bitterness he gulped down
Though it was made pleasant with smoothness

٤. وما حلا مِنهُ صابٌّ كانَ جرعه
وإنما شابَ إحلاءً بإمرارِ

5. When I saw the people turn away, I said to them
Disgrace is met by he who is ashamed of dishonor

٥. لما رأيت انصرافَ القوم قلت لهم
يلقى الرزايا مَنِ استحيا منَ العارِ

6. No one who died while daring has truly died
Rather, every coward died while still living

٦. ما مات مَن مات والإِقدامُ يُورِدُهُ
وإنما ماتَ حيا كُلُّ فَرارِ

7. They said, repel the sea’s billows from deceit
With death baring its fangs and claws

٧. قالوا ردوا باقتحام البحرِ عن غُرَرٍ
والموتُ يُدلي بأنيابٍ وأظفارِ

8. So I said: Alas! A prescribed destiny has transpired
And fulfilled what it fulfilled, a destiny cannot be repelled

٨. فقلتُ هيهاتِ مِقدارٌ جرى فَقضى
بما قَضَاهُ ولا رد لمقدارِ

9. The pigeons in the sea have overwhelmed them
Just as they overwhelmed Othman in the cave

٩. إن الحمامَ الذي في البحر غالَهُم
قد غال عثمانَ ذا النورينِ في الغارِ

10. The fires of battle amidst the sea’s waves are extinguished
Yet they are feasts between water and fire

١٠. نيرانُ حربِ بموج البحر قد طفئت
وَهيَ الموائدُ بينَ الماءِ والنارِ

11. Their virtues aroused the sweet scent of remembrance
As fire kindles aromas from aloeswood and ambergris

١١. كانت رزايا أثارَت طِيبَ ذكرُهُم
كالنار تلفُحُ في الهندي والغارِ

12. No man’s honor increases, no matter his generosity
Except to seem to him like a heap of gold dinars

١٢. ما عز عند امرئ مقدارُ ذي كرمٍ
إلا رأى فيه قنطاراً كدينارِ