
He fulfilled the rights of God against His enemies

قضى حقوق الله في أعدائه

1. He fulfilled the rights of God against His enemies
Then turned back victorious under his banner

١. قضى حقوق اللَهِ في أعدائه
ثم انثنى والنصرُ تحت لوائهِ

2. A raging sea with destruction in its waves
Dawn shone and truth radiated its lights

٢. بحر طمى والبأسُ من أمواجهِ
صبح بدا والحقُّ من أضوائه

3. A pillar he erected by which the All-Powerful established His right
And truth is the pillar of His earth and heavens

٣. عمدٌ أقام به المهيمنُ حقه
والحقُّ عمدةُ أرضهِ وسمائه

4. He unleashed against them the swords' blows as though
His spears had reached them by His decree

٤. وأباحه مهج العدا فكأنما
قد نصلت أرماحه بقضائه

5. He stormed them with an army, the earth too narrow for
Its regiments or imagination to count them

٥. أغزى بهم جيشاً تضيق الأرضُ عن
أفواجه والوهمُ عن إحصائه

6. Like thick clouds filling the sky
But the blood of heroes dyed its currents

٦. كالعارض الثجاج ملء هوائه
لكن دمُ الأبطالِ من أنوائه

7. When he saw the abomination of polytheism persisting
He weakened its forces and relied on his own

٧. لما رأى للشرك رسماً ماثلاً
أوهى قواه وجد في إقوائه

8. He inclined toward it with swords and spears
Until nothing remained but their bodies

٨. أنحى عليه بالصوارم والقنا
حتى إذا لم يبق غيرُ ذمائِهِ

9. He spared them, though terror was destroying them
As if he were a lion over its torn limbs

٩. أبقاه والذعرِ المخيفُ يبيدُه
فكأنه سبع على أشلائه

10. Uprooting their matter little by little
Time circulates with its mornings and evenings

١٠. مستأصلاً شيئاً فشيئاً أمرهم
كر الزمان بصبحه ومسائه