1. I complain to the one of kindness, Abdel Mohsin
Perhaps he will sympathize with what has befallen me
١. أشكو لذي الإحسانِ عبد المحسِنِ
فلعلهُ يرثي لما قد مسني
2. I am enchanted by his charm and allure
And by the beauty of his appearance, even if he is not beautiful
٢. إني شعفتُ بدله ودلاله
وبحسنِ منظره وإن لم يحسنِ
3. A delicate gazelle, the epitome of beauty, his cheek adorned
With anemones, outshining the radiance of lilies
٣. ظبيٌ غريرُ الحُسنِ طُرَّزَ خدَّهُ
بالجلنار وغضَّ نورَ السوسنِ
4. A graceful one, embodying charm and perfection
Her words express what all tongues contain
٤. ريمٌ حوى ظرفاً وحُسناً جامِعاً
نطَقَت بما يَحوي جَميعُ الألسُنِ
5. May he then have mercy on my suffering and my love
And treat with kindness, Abdel Mohsin
٥. فعساه يرحَمُ لوعتي وصبابتي
ويسيرُ بالإِحسانِ عبدُ المُحسِنِ