
A gazelle crossed the valley of Ghawir

غزال نحا شيح الغوير وغاره

1. A gazelle crossed the valley of Ghawir
I would ransom that gazelle wandering in Ghawir

١. غزال نحا شيح الغوير وغاره
فدىً لغزال بالغوير شرودِ

2. They said, "Write poetry about him," I said, "My poem
Is about the intimacy in his beautiful neck and hand

٢. وقالوا تغزل فيه قلت غزيل
من الأنس في جيد ولفتة جيدِ

3. The wind blows from his flowers' buttons
My eyes covetously watch his flowers

٣. تنشَّق ريحاً من زرود فراعه
ترصدُ عيني قانص بزرودِ

4. His ear blocks out any news he senses among the roses
A mounted scout, his heart fears the watch of the hunter

٤. يصدُّ أذا ما حس في الورد نبأةً
بغلة صادي القلب خوف رصيد

5. Fareed appeared like the full moon in the mansion of his beauty
And none but the moon in the sky is like Fareed

٥. فريد بدا كالبدر في برج حسنه
وليس سوى بدر السما بفريد

6. If shyness confronted him about his love
He would don rose garlands on his cheeks

٦. لو اعترضته خجلة من محبه
تدبج ورد من حيا بخدود

7. And he shows the ardent heart a sight
Of white cheeks below black curly hair

٧. ويعرض للقلب المشوق معرضا
ببيض خدود تحت سود جعود

8. I stand and plunge into his love as if
When I sober up I walk in chains

٨. أقوم وأهوي في هواه كأنني
لما بيَ أمشي راسفاً بقيود

9. Many, if they counted his soldiers against me
Few, if they counted my soldiers against him

٩. كثيرون أن عدّوا عليَّ جنوده
قليلون أن عدّوا عليه جنودي

10. If the wine of his inclination flows freely
I say to the swarms of tears, “Flow!”

١٠. إذا صرَحت منه سجية باخل
أقول لأسراب المدامع جودي

11. If my heart were iron in love for him
While he has a hand other than iron

١١. فلو أن قلبي من حديد بحبه
وهي كف ذا والقلب غير حديد

12. O brother of the moon, love has humiliated me intensely
And were it not for you, love would not be so intense

١٢. أخا البدر أوهاني الهوى بشديده
ولولاك ما كان الهوى بشديد