
A joyful breeze has graced me,

قد اطباني رشأ مهفهف

1. A joyful breeze has graced me,
My eyelids are aflutter, startled by its radiance.

١. قد اطبَّاني رشأ مهفهفٌ
احوى الجفون اختشي برائقه

2. It withered not leaving a trace, could you imagine,
My flower, that the dew would dry up its petals?

٢. جفوته لا سالياً وهل ترى
يا زهرتي يجفو الندى شقائقه

3. I embraced it without the gazelles of Naqā witnessing,
And love had decreed that I embrace it.

٣. عانقته من دون غزلان النقا
وقد قضى الحب بأن اعانقه

4. It glances my way languidly,
Like a houri casting amorous glances my way.

٤. يرنو وما يرنو بغير فاترٍ
ذي حور يزجُّ لي رواشقه

5. It is time, I fear its darkness,
What lad does not dread its darkness?

٥. هو الزمان اختشيه طارقاً
وهل فتى لا يختشي طوارقه

6. It has ordained my separation awhile,
Empowered, having decided I leave it.

٦. قضى عليَّ بالفراق برهة
ممشوق قد عزّ بأن افارقه