
The doves of longing stormed me,

هاجت علي بلابل الاشواق

1. The doves of longing stormed me,
So my tears flowed from the depths.

١. هاجت عليَّ بلابل الاشواق
فجرى دماً دمعي من الآماق

2. The pigeons cooed on the shrubs, arousing
The yearnings of the loving father's heart.

٢. غنَّى الحمام على الاراك مهيجاً
صبوات قلب الوالد المشتاقِ

3. Did the collar chafe you, my son, the day they put it on,
That ring of pearls around your neck?

٣. هل شاقك ابن الطوق يوم تحملو ال
حي الحلال به ابنة الاطواقِ

4. I greeted the passing clouds - greetings to them -
With the pouring rain's rushing flow.

٤. حيَّت غوادي السحب حيّا منهم
بأجش منهمر الحيا دفَّاقِ

5. I gave them my true affection though
They broke their pact of friendship when they left.

٥. اخلصتهم محض الوداد وأن يكن
نقضوا غداة وداعهم ميثاقي

6. When they decided to part they exposed me
If only they hadn't exposed me by leaving!

٦. قد عرّضوا يوم النوى بفراقهم
يا ليتهم لا عرّضوا بفراقي

7. Who will I find with a noble gaze,
Najdi in appearance and bearing Iraqi elegance,

٧. من لي بأهيف بارزٍ بشمائل
نجدية والطرز طرزعراق

8. Whose cheek is graced by his headscarf's knot
And a silent anklet adorns his leg?

٨. ومخصر نطق الوشاح بخصره
واخرسَّ خلخالٌ له في الساق

9. When his cloak denies him I imagine
Him self-cloaked within by his cloak.

٩. فاذا نفى عنه النطاق حسبته
من ضمره متمنطقاً بنطاق

10. With his compelling glance he overcomes me -
O He who unties what the Almighty has tied!

١٠. يقوى عليَّ بقادرٍ من لحظه
يا من يحلُّ من القدير وثاقي

11. The bright moon pales next to his companions -
No wonder, if amidst them my companions paled.

١١. باهت به القمر البهي رفاقُهُ
لا غرو لو باهيت فيه رفاقي

12. My clingy heart has severed him in yearning
Though he volunteered the bond of clinging.

١٢. اقطعته القلب العلوق توّصلا
وهو التطوع بوصلة الاعلاق

13. She is the sanctuary's idol in her image -
Figuration through her is lovers' pilgrimage site.

١٣. هي دُميةُ المحراب في تمثالها
التمثيل به هي قبلة العشَّاق

14. He aims his glances at a fawn whose eyelash
Did the sword's work in slaughtering necks.

١٤. يرنو على شوَسٍ اليَّ بمقلة
صنعت صنيع السيف في الاعناق

15. Swords sing in battle, but never would
The sword of glances sing.

١٥. تنبو الصوارمُ في الوغى لكنَّما
هيهات ينبو صارم الاحداق

16. God, his languid eyelids are more sickly
Than my sickness, and his lip's pallor my remedy.

١٦. لِلّه احور من سقام جفونه
سقمي وريق شفاهه درياقي

17. I thirst for that sweet stream
Flowing amidst glistening pearls.

١٧. ظمأي الى ذاك الغدير معسَّلا
يجري خلال اللؤلؤ البرّاق

18. Oh, blessed was that eve I spent
Sipping and embracing on the hillside!

١٨. يا حبذا بالسفح سالف ليلة
قضَّيتها بترّشف وعناق