1. When tears overflowed from the corner of my eye
And when it bled, emptying out,
١. أحسبت غرب العين حين طغى
دمعاً وحين نزفته فرغا
2. It was as though the flash of my smile was creating
A pouring cloud over my eyelashes that sobbed and complained
٢. فكأن برق الثغر ينشئه
غيثا اغام بمقلتي ورغا
3. O you whose glowing cheek is illuminated, pass along
The cup, a cheek from you has shone
٣. امشعشع الخدِّ الأسيل ادر
بالكاس خداً منك قد بزغا
4. I did not know whether its hue
Was from me or from the blood of lovers it was dyed
٤. من عندم لم ادر صبغته
ام من دم العشاق قد صبغا
5. And the one who did not let his love poem roam freely
I lulled his she-camel with my crooning, so it grumbled
٥. واغنَّ لم يسرح بغزلته
ناغيته بكناسه فنغا
6. Love poetry led me, and what a wonder!
For a love poem led a fierce lion and it roared
٦. قد قادني غزلا ويا عجبا
لغزيل قد قاد ليث وغى
7. And tongue-tied from shyness
It was as though its mouth was stitched closed
٧. ومجمجمٍ باللفظ عن خجل
فكأن فاه اراكة مضغا
8. If the filled gaze appeared, you'd think it
A blinking eye, kohl-lined and fast asleep
٨. ان لاح ملء الطرف تحسبه
طرفا اغر محجلا رسغا
9. Or a muscle in the temple twitching, a punishment
For I cursed, so its branch stung me
٩. اودبّ منه الصدغ عقوبه
لسبت فأرقم فرعه لدغا
10. O tongue-tied from the intention
You made me silent, though you are the most eloquent
١٠. يا معجما بالنطق عن غرض
اخرست من هو مخرس البلغا
11. You left me grasping with outstretched hand
Like a sword, its scabbard empty, unsheathed
١١. غادرتني اثغو بمسبعةٍ
كالسيف جفَّ لبانة فثغا
12. While the love poem, about the one I love
Is settled in a meadow, empty
١٢. وغزيل بالبان عن له
معشوشب في روضة فرغا
13. I reproached him and he reproached me
Until with the outpouring of his tears, he gurgled
١٣. فاوضته العتبى وفاوضني
حتى بفيض دموعهِ نشغا
14. It would not hurt us if beauty was daubed on us
If only with his beauty he would daub!
١٤. ما ضرَّ من سبغ الجمال لنا
لو أنه بجميله سبغا
15. Convey her desire to the exalted ones
Convey to the Most High your ascent, as high as it ascended
١٥. امبلغ العلياء بغيتها
بلغ العلى بعلاك ما بلغا
16. We were once the best vessels
So who corrupted our vessels and emptied them?
١٦. كنَّا قديماً خير آنيةٍ
فمن الذي بأنائنا ولغا
17. It was as though, apart from all people,
There was a jinn between me and you that provoked
١٧. فكأن دون الناس كلهم
بيني وبينك ماردٌ نزغا
18. I want satisfaction with anger for a while
For I see him responding to me with aggression
١٨. ابغي الرضا بالسخط آونة
فاراه بالعدوى عليَّ بغا
19. The sword will only be fixed by its polishing
If its essence trembles and pours out
١٩. لن يصلحنَّ السيف صيقله
الا ترقرق جوهراً وطغا
20. I will establish in it a nature my fingers have fashioned
And the skin improves each time it is tanned
٢٠. سأسوس فيه خليقة صبعت
والجلد يصلح كلما دبغا