
Ask, if you knew the abode, about its dwellers

سل إن عرفت الدار عن سكانها

1. Ask, if you knew the abode, about its dwellers
And recite to a heart that is a hostage to its guarantee

١. سل إن عرفت الدار عن سكانها
وانشد بها قلباً رهين ضمانها

2. And let fall the tears of the weeping ones with a sigh
That ignites the innards with its fires

٢. واسبل دموع المقلتين بزفرة
تتوقد الاحشاء من نيرانها

3. Time has become a neighbor to it, so bear its place
An epoch, and the epoch was obedient to its rein

٣. جار الزمان بها فامحل ربعها
دهراً وكان الدهر طوع عنانها

4. It has become barren ruins after it was
The juxtaposition of the garden from its bliss

٤. قد اصبحت قفراً يباباً بعد ما
امسى شقيق الروض من ندمانها

5. And if you passed by Al-Taff, then weep over it
And aid the son of Fatima and gather its beauty

٥. واذا مررت على الطفوف فطف بها
وانعَ ابن فاطمة وعقد جمانها

6. I will not forget him and his sons the day
The vileness of war surrounded them, from the clan of Sufyan

٦. لم انسه وبنيه يوم تحوطهم
ارجاس حربٍ من بني سفيانها

7. So he charged, piercing through the ranks with his sword
That did not cease dripping the blood of its horsemen

٧. فانصاع يخترق الصفوف بصارم
ما انفكَّ يقطر من دما فرسانها

8. A hero attacking them with spears
That make the lion tremble on the day of its stabbing

٨. بطل يكرُّ عليهم بضراغم
ترتاع منها الاسد يوم طعانها

9. The lions of war found no
Help but al-Hindi among its aides

٩. آساد حرب في الكريهة لم تجد
عوناً سوى الهندي من اعوانها

10. And he shows them in al-Samhariya that if
A stab poured forth, it would gray the youth from its youths

١٠. ويريهم بالسمهرية ان سطا
طعناً يشيب المرد من شبانها

11. Until when Allah willed that it be seen
Thrown in Mahmmah upon its dunes

١١. حتى اذا شاء الأله بان يُرى
ملقى بمهمهةٍ على كثبانها

12. He fell on the face of the dusty ground colored
By horses galloping in its plain

١٢. فهوى على وجه الصعيد معفَّراً
تجري عليه الخيل في ميدانها

13. Quencher of thirsts, his thirst is not quenched
I ransom him from the quencher of thirsts when they thirst

١٣. صادي الحشاشة لا يبلُّ غليله
افديه من صادي الحشا ظمآنها

14. The beasts of the wilderness weep for him in their deserts
And the doves of the branches among their branches

١٤. وحش الفلا تبكيه في فلواتها
وحمائم الاغصان في اغصانها

15. Oh your day, O son of the daughter of Muhammad
For which the celestial spheres in their inhabitants shook

١٥. للّه يومك يا ابن بنت محمد
ماجت له الافلاك في سكانها

16. Who will tell ‘Ali, Nizar, and Hashim
And the sons of the Fatimids from the sons of ‘Adnan

١٦. من مبلغٌ عليا نزار وهاشم
وبني الفواطم من بني عدنانها

17. Indeed al-Husayn and his companions, the hands of the enemies
Carried their heads on their spearheads

١٧. إِن الحسين وصحبه ايدي العدى
حملت رؤوسهم على خرصانها

18. Their horses took their dwellings as racetracks to them
Galloping their valleys over their bodies

١٨. تخذت قراها الخيل مركضة لها
تعدو عواديها على جثمانها

19. They lowered themselves upon the Prophet's grandson and showed
From their hatred what they harbored in their souls

١٩. وجنت على سبط النبي واظهرت
من حقدها ما اضمرت بجنانها

20. Ruin to them, the clan of the Umayyads
Who broke pacts - it was always their way

٢٠. تباً لها من عصبة اموية
نقض المواثق لم يزل من شانها

21. They broke the pacts of Mustafa regarding his sons on
The day the ignorance manifested in their betrayal

٢١. نقضت عهود المصطفى ببنيه في
يوم تمادى الغي في خذلانها

22. My fervor for Zaynab as she wails her wailing
And her tears flow from her eyelids

٢٢. لهفي لزينب هي تندب ندبها
ودموعها تنهلُّ من اجفانها

23. She turns to al-Sajjad while he is shackled
So it increases her agony upon her agonies

٢٣. ترنو الى السجاد وهو مكبَّل
فيزيدها شجواً على اشجانها

24. They severed the desert plains with him with wounded ribs
Bending from fatigue in its cheeks

٢٤. قطعوا بها قفر الفلاة بضلَّع
تكبو من الاعياء في وخدانها

25. Wandering the desolate quarter from thirst
While the beasts of prey hunt in its valleys

٢٥. هيماء صالية الهجير من الظما
تهوى سباع الطير في وديانها

26. And to you, O Prophet’s family, beloved
With you the musk diffuses from its flasks

٢٦. وإليكم آل النبي خريدة
بكمُ يضوع المسك من اردانها

27. Necklaces of the pearls of tears, strung
In your elegy, scattered beads of its adornments

٢٧. غراء من درر الدموع منظم
برثائكم منثور عقد جمانها

28. I dedicated it to you, and it suffices me from you
Houries built in the eternity of its heavens

٢٨. أهديتها لكم وحسبي منكم
غرف مشيدة بخلد جنانها